Parfait! Jalapeño Jelly Barbecue Ribs

04aJalapenoJellyRibsDonebfLOEarlier this week, I made pepper jelly. Only thing is, the recipe yielded the expected six half pints for canning, plus another quart that I had not prepped jars and lids for.


Yes, the pepper jelly will keep in the fridge almost indefinitely, but, c’mon, a quart? Something had to be done…

and then I recalled that rack of ribs I had sitting on a shelf in the fridge…

•1 or 2 racks pork ribs
•1 cup+ jalapeño pepper jelly
•1 cup barbecue sauce
Seasoned salt
•Black pepper

02BBQSauceJellybfLOBTW – no, this is not a Parfait! recipe because of the pepper jelly, but because of the way I’m wrangling the ribs.

Heat oven to 350º.

Arrange the ribs, meaty side up in a foil-lined baking pan and season well with salt and pepper.

Brush some of the pepper jelly over the top of the ribs, then cover the pan tightly with foil and bake for one hour.

03bRibsAddSaucebfLOWhile the ribs are cooking, stir together one cup of the pepper jelly and one cup of your barbecue sauce of choice (I happen to like mine).

After an hour, pull the ribs from the oven, remove the foil cover, and drain any liquid from the bottom of the pan.

Brush the ribs with about half of the sauce, then return to the oven – uncovered – for thirty minutes.

04bRibsPlatebfLONote: at this point, you can finish for ribs in the oven or on the grill.

Oven: brush with more of the sauce and bake, still uncovered, for another thirty minutes.

Grill: transfer the (very tender, so be careful) ribs to your heated grill and finish, brushing with more of the sauce as needed.

Finish: transfer the ribs to a platter and let rest for ten minutes before serving.

It was just me at home last week, so I ended up having these for a couple of dinners and a lunch, but I am still thinkin’ about making another batch. They are that good.

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