Tag Archives: Corn on the cob

Corn on the Cob, Roasted or Grilled

My Aunt Buzz had a very specific place and time she would have corn on the cob. She would be visiting friends at their farm in Maine and, only after they had sat the kettle on the stove to boil … Continue reading

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Air Fryer Corn on the Cob

A friend has posted on teh faceplace a couple of times, now, about how nicely her air fryer makes corn on the cob and, well… I had been meaning to try it, but the ole wrapped in foil with seasoned … Continue reading

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Crazy Good Corn on the Cob

My Aunt Buzz was of the opinion that the only way to truly enjoy corn on the cob was to set a large pot of water to boil on the stove, and only then head out to the field to … Continue reading

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Parfait! Corn on the Cob – Grilled or Roasted

It was a good day for grilling – a surprise, actually, since we’ve had snow and cold and high winds and just about everything but toads and locusts – and I had some corn and a plan. One really nice … Continue reading

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The Doris Project (TDP) Week 25: Bacon Wrapped Corn on the Cob

This recipe didn’t come out of The Doris Project box, mom emailed it to me because she thought it might could be tasty. I agreed, and since she was coming up for a week-long visit, thought we might as well … Continue reading

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Parfait! Grilled Corn on the Cob

‘Tis the season for grilling – tho’ you mebbe couldn’t prove that around about these parts just now – and what could be better fresh off the grill than corn on the cob? Nicely cooked – heck even if a … Continue reading

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Better-For-You Grilled or Roasted Corn

How good does that look? Fresh corn on the cob, well-brushed with butter and seasonings and herbs all wrapped in foil and grilled until perfect. But, wait… This corn is every bit as good as that described above (mebbe a … Continue reading

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Parfait! Grilled Corn on the Cob

It’s a beautiful day – perfect weather for grilled corn on the cob! I found and featured this method kinda late in the season last year, so thought I’d give everyone an early heads up and start your summer off … Continue reading

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Grilled Corn and…

I know I’ve done grilled corn on the cob before – here – but this is a nice twist that I think I actually prefer. Try it and see if you don’t agree. This method works IN THE OVEN (how … Continue reading

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Corn on the grill…

First, we cheat and buy our corn at the market. I have yet to find a suitable local replacement for Wilson Farm in Lexington, MA, where you show up, hand over your money and get handed in return a bag … Continue reading

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