Tag Archives: Stew

Beef Stew

Yesterday, I did a post about prepping pearl onion, carrots, and ‘shrooms for use in today’s feature: beef stew. I split the posts up because, as I was looking over my notes, I added a lot of stuff to my … Continue reading

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Pork Belly Stew

We were poking around the refrigerator cases at Trader Joe’s the other day and came across this wicked cool box of pork belly. Yum! Before you go all ‘ewww, I won’t eat that!’ on me, allow me to point out … Continue reading

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French? Pork Stew

1969. Kraft Foods came out with a happenin’ little advertisement featuring all kinds of exotic food fantasies from around the world, including one called Porc Pyrenees (their spelling and lack of accent). It looked as though it would be tasty, … Continue reading

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Parfait! Thai-Style Pork Stew

Pork, made in a slow cooker with peppers and onions and spices and… stuff. Shredded and served with a bountiful bevy of beautiful things – freshly diced carrot, scallion, peanuts, peanut butter, lime wedges, and, mebbe, cilantro – tho’ I … Continue reading

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