Tag Archives: French Bread

Best! Air Fryer Garlic Bread Slices

I was poking around the bakery at Whole Foods, and decided to try one of their French baguettes. When I got home, I did my usual thing with French bread, cut a bit of the heel of, topped the slice … Continue reading

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French Bread, With a Bit of Help…

Who can deny the pleasure of freshly baked French bread; spread with butter or sopping up some lovely sauce – such as Cod and Mussels in Red Pepper Aioli? Now, what if I told you that you could make your … Continue reading

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Maple Syrup French Bread – a Hybrid Recipe

One of our nephews was coming for a short visit, and they are vegan, so I went in search of something appropriate for dinner. I found a recipe for Czech garlic soup that had been adapted to be vegan and, … Continue reading

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Honey French (Cyborg) Bread

Why cyborg? Well, because this very nice loaf of bread started out in the bread machine, but was then rescued from teh machine and finished in the oven in a traditional bread pan. The result? No more hoooge “paddle hole” … Continue reading

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Parfait! Bread Machine French Bread

So, yeh, bread is no longer a regular part of our diet, but sometimes, you just want you some. And fresh, warm bread is really hard to pass up, especially when it is sweet honey French bread, tossed together with … Continue reading

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Cinnamon Roll French Toast

Consider this for your next feast day breakfast: cinnamon rolls (y’know, the ones that come in a tube in the dairy case) baked into a French Toast casserole of ooey-gooey goodness with added eggs and milk and maple syrup and … Continue reading

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Parfait! Honey Whole Wheat French Bread

We were going to have a big ole pot of mussels and clams cooked in spiced beer (details on that here), and needed some bread to soak up of those very tasty juices. French bread, I thought, but, made a … Continue reading

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Parfait! C’est si Buns

Yeh, you can go boo and hiss your own selves, that there headline is pretty darned good – if I do say so myself. Almost as good as these sammich buns, made with the same dough I use for no-fuss … Continue reading

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No-Fuss French Bread

So, I take it all back. At one time, I was really anti-Emeril; didn’t care for him, his show (all that “BAM!” stuff), or his recipes. Well, now I’ve tried a couple, and you know what? The guy knows his … Continue reading

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Garlic Bread

Rich’s mom is visiting with us for the week, so I’ve been embellishing our normal fare just a little bit. One tweak is bread. I know she enjoys bread or rolls with her dinner, and when I came across the … Continue reading

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