Tag Archives: Brioche

Sweet Potato Brioche

We love these whenever we visit Bayona in NOLA, and, lucky me, a friend had the cookbook and shared the recipe with me! I did misread my notes and accidently added six eggs to the dough instead of the called … Continue reading

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Cranberry Dijon Grilled Cheese

Back in the day, my Aunt Buzz made a mean grilled cheese, with a bit of mayonnaise and mebbe some sweet relish added to make things interesting. I was thinking of her as a prepared to serve my new fave … Continue reading

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Brioche, Sausage, and Egg Bake

I came across a breakfast casserole calling for brioche, sausage, cheese, and eggs, but; instead if whipping the eggs into the milk and cream cheese mixture, they are added on top, in little divots made in the sausage and brioche … Continue reading

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Overnight Peach French Toast Casserole

There is not often you come across such a winner as this: French toast, but prepped the night before, as a make, then soak, then bake casserole. Oh, and did I mention that the bread was brioche from my local … Continue reading

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Sweet Potato Brioche

We were in New Orleans. In August. Not an optimal time to visit, but, my husband was presenting at a conference and we’d never been and friends had interesting restaurant recommendations and, there we were; melting just a little bit … Continue reading

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(Another) Brioche

I’ve covered brioche in the past, here and here, and was pretty well pleased with the results, but then I scored this deal… TWO boxes of cookery books an’ stuff for $10! – who could resist? One of my bargain … Continue reading

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The Brioche Also Rises

YESSSSS! Now THIS is what I’m talkin’ about. Two beautiful, rich loaves; quite tasty sliced warm from the oven and topped with a schmear of cream cheese, or saved for Sunday Morning French Toast with Maple Roasted Bacon. Brioche also … Continue reading

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Another Take on Brioche…

It’s our hottest weather in several years; the AC is running constantly even with all the blinds and draperies drawn, and I, of course, have decided to make bread. Well, not just bread – I’m trying a new recipe for … Continue reading

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Worth the Wait…

I gave it some time – in all about 4 hours – for the dough to double in size in the buttered pans, then popped these suckers in the oven for about 30 minutes and voila! I didn’t have the … Continue reading

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does not like to be rushed, apparently. I am approaching my THIRD hour of rising in the bread pans. Fortunately, I can see some activity; the loaves are bigger than when I first formed them, just not doubled in size … Continue reading

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