Tag Archives: macaroni and cheese

Summer Sunday Bonus! Jardinière Salad

Not all of those recipes our moms clipped and stashed in a box back in the day are good for nothing but a laugh. Take this, a recipe my mom dutifully clipped from the back of a Kraft Mac and … Continue reading

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Parfait! Jardinière Salad

Sure and all, pasta salad is a staple for summer meals, but it is also quite nice on a cold winter’s evening – and this pasta salad has a wee, tiny bit extra… Macaroni and cheese (Kraft Dinner), and Catalina … Continue reading

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Baked Mac and Cheese With Tomatoes and Basil

True confession: growing up, mac and cheese in our house was Kraft Dinner, y’know, in the blue box. Nothing against my mom, who was a pretty awesome cook, but, well, it was Kraft Dinner, it was cheap, easy, and it … Continue reading

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Parfait! Honey Mustard Jardinière Salad

I thought I would close out this week of adding Honey Mustard salad dressing to egg salad and Catalina salad dressing to steak for tacos by adding the both of them to… wait for it… macaroni and cheese (Kraft Dinner) … Continue reading

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Parfait! Jardinière Salad

Into each life a little macaroni salad must fall, why not mix things up and make a macaroni and cheese salad? Interested? My mom sure was; she clipped the recipe off a box Kraft Mac and Cheese a long time … Continue reading

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Barbecue Mac and Cheese

The holidays – and our holiday gathering – were in the past, but, due to a combination of sales promotion, coupons, and my husband not having lunch before he joined me at the market; I had a SERIOUS number of … Continue reading

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Sriracha Mac and Cheese Cups

My friend Barb (of Barb and Justin, not Barb and Bob, or even Bob and Don) came across a thing that was, apparently, macaroni and cheese baked into a muffin cup with Sriracha. We were all intrigued, and she supposed … Continue reading

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The Doris Project (TDP) Week 40: Corn Casserole

This week’s Doris Project was a challenge. The recipe, hand written on a scrap of paper, carried only the barest of instruction: ingredients, oven temp, and time; no mention of what to do or how to assemble the casserole. And … Continue reading

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Slow Cooker Macaroni and Cheese

(Nicely) cheesy pasta with crispity edges is a very good thing… or, at least I thought so. We were having very important guests for an early dinner, two lovely young ladies and their dad, and I was looking for something … Continue reading

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Parfait! Jardinière Salad

A fine August day is the perfect time to revisit this bit o’ mid-century recipe magic from my mom’s recipe box and the nice folk at Kraft foods. As I noted when I first posted this recipe, I can’t recall … Continue reading

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