Table o’ Contents

Welcome to the table o’ contents – your wildly authoritative and complete (except, of course, for when it’s not) guide to each and every recipe on this here web-thingy. New and improved! Complete and totally (more or less) up to date! See something you like? Simply click on the link and, QuickLikeaBunny, be whisked to the page! Ain’t modern technology grand?

Some recipes are listed in multiple categories. It’s not that I, or my minions, are feeling frisky; it’s just that you COULD consider, oh Calzone, say, to be a bread recipe – due to the dough, or a munchie recipe, due to the fact that it is, in fact, imminently munchable. Yes, we are aware that it could also be considered a meal in and of itself, and that it has pork AND veggies in it, and so maybe it should be included it there as well – too bad – we are nothing if not madly inconsistent.

Artichoke Dip with Spinach and Roasted Red Pepper: January 10, 2013
Instead of making one huge pot o’ dip (or letting it all sit out on a sideboard in a slow cooker for hours on end), split the recipe into two, smaller baking dishes, then bake one and set it out for the beginning of your gathering. If needed, you can replenish this tasty little dipper with a fresh batch as the munching continues. I you’re lucky, you’ll have that second, still fresh, batch to enjoy the next day at your leisure.

Artichoke and Feta Tart: November 26, 2013

Artichoke Salad for Bruschetta: April 4, 2012
This is a lovely salad on its own – but place it on top of some lightly toasted French bread with a bit of really good cheese, and it approaches wicked good status.

Bacon, Deviled: June 20, 2013
Breakfast food? Sammich filler? Snack? It’s ALL good; and don’t fret too much about all that hot sauce… the bourbon smooths things out nicely.

Bacon Jam: December 16, 2010
Appetizer or breakfast spread? I’d say it’s your call.
Parfait! Bacon Jam: March 1, 2013
Still unsure of how to serve this? Make a batch this weekend, then check out next Friday’s Parfait! post for two, pretty cool (I think) new applications.
Parfait! Bacon Jam Ciabatta Rolls: March 8, 2013

Baked Reuben Dip: October 25, 2010

Balsamic Roasted Peppers: October 14, 2010
I listed these under veggies, and they do make a lovely side dish, but
I think they’d also be perfect added to an antipasto platter, draped over a
good cracker or a crusty piece of bread.

Bar Cheese: May 14, 2010

Black Bean Masa Cups: September 30, 2010

Black Bean Tortilla Roll-ups: September 28, 2010
Here’s another (mebbe more better) option: April 5, 2012

Blue Cheese/Yogurt Dip: November 25, 2010
Great, chunky dip, INCREDIBLE salad dressing.
Parfait! Blue Cheese Yogurt Dip: October 26, 2012

Blue Cheese/Yogurt Dip, Goin’ Dippy!: April 3, 2012
Same dip as above, but now in one post with three other classics to brighten up any party.

Calzone: June 20, 2010
More than just bread – meat and cheese filling too.
Like calzone? Check out this version, with a slightly sweet dough, filled with pepperoni, provolone, pepper jelly, Dijon mustard, mayonnaise, freshly diced tomato and onion, and sliced pepperoncini. Yum.

Candy Apple Chicken Wings: October 11, 2012
Spicy sweet and perfect for a crowd, just choose your cinnamon candies wisely.

Caramel Puff Corn: December 11, 2012
Look for the corn puffs in the chip aisle of you market, but be warned, this stuff is pretty darned simple to make and almost addictive – you will find yourself going back for more.
Parfait! Caramel Puff Corn: October 11, 2013
Get a jump on the holidays and make a batch now!

Carrot Dip: November 12, 2013
Good, yes, and good for you, too!

Carrots with Parsley and Catalina: January 6, 2011
You could offer this as a salad or side dish, but it’s a perfect crunchy little
nibble, and not too, too messy as finger food.

Cashew Butter: November 11, 2013
Dead simple to make, and tasty, too!

Celery Seed Yogurt Dip for Fruit, Goin’ Dippy!: April 3, 2012
A variation on our fave Poppy Seed Sauce for Fruit. And don’t skip over the other great dipping options in this post.

Cheese Crisps: January 2, 2013
Use whatever cheese you prefer for these tasty baked treats; and serve them as a munchie with cocktails, or as a nicely toasted cheese-y topper to a cup of soup for a crowd. It’s all good.

Cheesy Olive Bombs: April 17, 2010

Cheesy Olive Bombs
: December 19, 2010
No, you’re not seeing double – I reposted this tasty, tasty recipe just in
time for holiday cocktails.

Cheesy Rice Cups, the Return: November 5, 2010
The original version of this is posted under BREAKFAST, but I’ve switched
up the fillings a bit and added an extra cup of rice. I also think this would be
a fine appetizer, so it’s truly not just for breakfast anymore!

Chicken Wrapped in Bacon: March 14, 2013

Chicken Pâté with Apple and Cognac: February 7, 2012

Chickpeas, Roasted: April 11, 2011
A good (and good-for-you) munchie, and a nice bit of crunch to toss in a
salad when nuts are not an option.

Chili Dog Nachos: February 20, 2013
As a munchie or main course, these are pretty darned tasty.

Clam Dip, Wicked Good: March 1, 2011
Parfait! Wicked Good Clam Dip: July 29, 2011

Clam Puffs!: March 1, 2012
Think of these as mini-popovers with clams added – nice!

Cobb Salad Dip: January 1, 2013
Welcome the new year – or really any occasion – with this truly fine riff on a salad classic! Iceberg lettuce, bacon, plum tomato, avocado, and deli chicken; arranged on top of a base of cream cheese mixed with my favorite blue cheese salad dressing and served with crackers.

Dates, Almond-Stuffed and Bacon-Wrapped: June 6, 2012

Deviled Egg Salad Mold: May 1, 2011
Hmmmm, salad or munchie spread on crackers; it’s up to you!

Dirty Martini Cheese, Two Ways: October 9, 2012
With vodka or without, this makes for one, fine cheese spread.
Parfait! Just in time for New Year – ALL VODKA!: December 28, 2012

Eggplant, Sweet and Sour: September 10, 2012
Serve this as part of an anti pasto platter with some crusty bread, a few good olives, assorted cured bits of pig, and mebbe even some Marinated Stuffed Cherry Peppers.

Feta Cheese Spread (Htipiti): June 4, 2013

Fig and Prosciutto Tapenade: September 26, 2010

French Carrot Salad: August 28, 2010
Best! French Carrots: December 23, 2012
Shaved carrots as a salad or sliced as a munchie, this is my all-time favorite version the classic French dish. Authentic? Not even a wee, little, tiny bit; but tasty? Youbectha!

Gentleman’s Relish: June 11, 2012
As it happens, I just do not care for anchovies, but if you do – or, if you are fond of blues, or other oily fishes – you may very well enjoy this spread on buttered bread or a cracker. More power to you.

Ginger Dijon Sausages: January 4, 2011

Gorgonzola & Walnut Terrine
: December 17, 2010

Gougère, Russian: December 24, 2011

Grape Jelly Meatballs: April 13, 2012
A nice little appetizer – tho’ next time, I will spice it up a bit.

Guacamole, Lime and Chipotle: January 30, 2013

Ham Rolls: August 27, 2013
Parfait! Pepperoni Bread: August 30, 2013
The same basic dough as the ham rolls, but filled with deli goodies and shaped into four large loaves. Tasty.

Honey Mustard: February 8, 2011
This makes a nice dip, salad dressing, or a glaze; try it using your own
preferred combination of mustard, honey and vinegar.

Jalapeño Cheesecake
: September 12, 2010
Wicked rich, wicked tasty, and NOT for dessert.

Kielbasa, Sweet & Sour: October 1, 2012
You could serve this as an appetizer, but I thought it made for a fine dinner, however you choose to use it, think about adding a few fresh basil leaves at the end.

Kielbasa Vinaigrette: August 28, 2012
Serve this as a munchie, or as a savory salad on crisp romaine, it’s good either way. And the extra vinaigrette? That’s a bonus, baby!

Lemon-Basil Butter Cookies: December 22, 2011

Marinated Stuffed Cherry Peppers: April 10, 2010

Marinated Stuffed Cherry Peppers: August 18, 2010
Basically a repeat of the above recipe, maybe with a bit more detail and a
hint or two on methodology.
Parfait! Marinated Stuffed Cherry Peppers: November 2, 2012
Always welcome at the holidays, and now vegetarian to boot! Just remember to plan about a week for the peppers to properly marinate.
Parfait (again)! Marinated Stuffed Cherry Peppers: March 22, 2013
3 years later – still one of my most popular munchies.

Marinated Mozzarella Cheese: December 3, 2011
As a munchie or added to a salad – this is just lovely. And be certain to have plenty of sourdough to soak up any leftover oil.

Muffaletta Stromboli: November 20, 2013

Nuts, Salted, Spiced, and Nicely Candied: December 20, 2012
Pecans (or Walnuts!), Candied and Spiced: April 9, 2012
Best! Spiced, Candied Pecans: July 10, 2013
I’ve tweaked the spice blend, and these are now much more better.

Onion Dip, Wicked Good: September 20, 2011
Parfait! Onion Dip, Wicked Good – and Now With Yogurt!: August 3, 2012

Onion Dip, Wicked Good, Goin’ Dippy!: April 3, 2012
4 dips in one post – how cool is that?

Onion Rings, Beer Battered But Good(ish) For You: February 6, 2012
Instead of deep frying, these tasty little rings o’ goodness are browned in just a bit of oil and then finished in a hot oven. As a bonus – the entire batch is ready at the same time!

Oyster Crackers, Seasoned: January 9, 2013
Parfait! Oyster Crackers, (Nicely) Seasoned: October 24, 2013

Pear and Brie Quesadillas: April 1, 2013

Pimiento Cheese: December 7, 2010

Pimiento Cheese, Goin’ Dippy!: April 3, 2012
I played around with the cheeses in this batch, using a Garlic Jack from Door County along with some surprisingly good American Process cheese I found in the bins at Woodman’s. As an added bonus, this post includes 3 dip recipes, for all your party needs.

Pimiento Cheese With Jalapeño and Scallions: November 21, 2013
Makes a nice grilled pineapple and ham sammich!

Pimiento Cheese with Sriracha: March 31, 2011

Parfait! Pimiento Cheese – Best for Burgers!: May 20, 2011

Pecans (or Walnuts!), Candied and Spiced: April 9, 2012
Best! Spiced, Candied Pecans: July 10, 2013
I’ve tweaked the spice blend, and these are now much more better.

Pineapple Barbecue Meatballs: December 19, 2011
Buttermilk Meatballs in a sweet and spicy sauce – nice as an appetizer, and not too, too shabby as dinner.
Parfait! Pineapple-Palooza!: May 10, 2013
Another visit to the buttermilk meatball and pineapple barbecue concept – this time with a different take on the pineapple sauce, and bonus! recipes for new and improved aloha ribs, and a nice way to customize packaged yellow rice.

Pita With Feta and Artichokes: June 17, 2013
Serve this as a munchie, or think about topping it with a nice romaine salad, drizzling with a bit of your favorite dressing, and serving as a salad, vegetarian main-course, or even (as it happens) a lovely accompaniment to baked salmon.

Pop Corn: April 28, 2010
A microwave treat without all the additives & stuff in store bought.

Pub Cheese: September 4, 2013

Pure’ Madrileño: January 26, 2012
Kinda like onion dip hummus – try it at your next ‘do

Quesadillas, Cheese Steak: June 6, 2013
A truly fine use of leftover steaks.

Quesadillas, Meatloaf: June 7, 2013

Reuben Rolls: October 10, 2012
Corned beef, sauerkraut, swiss cheese and a wee, tiny bit of caraway; all wrapped up in a tidy packet, browned in just a little bit of oil, and then finished in the oven until hot, crispity, and Oh! so tasty.

Roll-Up Sammiches: April 5, 2012
Vegetarian black bean or smoky mesquite turkey – you can’t go wrong.

Roasted Artichoke Hearts: November 24, 2010

Rumaki: November 7, 2010

Sausages, Cocktail, Simple: October 3, 2013

Sausage Squares: January 17, 2013
I went all sausage for this batch, one pound each of regular and hot breakfast sausage, but feel free to go mix it up by using half sausage and half ground beef, or chicken, or turkey.

Shrimp & Chorizo Quesadillas: January 31, 2013

Shrimp, Garlic Roasted: March 19, 2013
Jumbo shrimp makes a fine dinner, but these would be a tasty munchie to pass at a party.

Shrimp, Pickled: May 30, 2013

Shrimp Salad: May 5, 2012
I made this as a salad, but you could easily serve more shrimp on less lettuce as an appetizer – or mebbe even in a nice roll as a sammich – it’s all good.

Spicy Meat Pies: March 20, 2013
I used ciabatta dough and filled it with a linguiça-based mixture, but you should use this recipe as a starting point and choose a dough, filling, and egg wash that suits your tastes and needs.

Spinach Artichoke Dip: January 10, 2013
Instead of making one huge pot o’ dip (or letting it all sit out on a sideboard in a slow cooker for hours on end), split the recipe into two, smaller baking dishes, then bake one and set it out for the beginning of your gathering. If needed, you can replenish this tasty little dipper with a fresh batch as the munching continues. I you’re lucky, you’ll have that second, still fresh, batch to enjoy the next day at your leisure.

Soul Rolls: March 5, 2012
Ground turkey and cabbage stuffed eggrolls with a dab o’ cheese and two tasty dipping sauces – who needs takeout?
Parfait! Soul Rolls: April 6, 2012
I doubled the recipe, used ground chicken in place of the ground turkey, and cut back a bit on the dipping sauce(s) – still wicked good!
Parfait! Soul Rolls – Now With Beef!: November 16, 2012
Still wicked good
; so you have now have no reason not to try them.
Parfait! Jewel Rolls – Soul Rolls with a bit of sparkle!: July 20, 2012
Back to ground turkey this time, but I replaced the cheese with Repper Relish to make one mighty-fine variation.

Stromboli, Muffaletta: November 20, 2013

Tangy Pork Meatballs: August 16, 2012
Step away from the grape jelly and the packaged ‘meat’ balls – this nicely different recipe works as well for dinner over rice as it will for munchies skewered with one of them there fancy fluted toothpicks.

TOTS. Stuffed with CHEESE. Wrapped in BACON: August 26, 2013
Yeh, they’re tots, but they are also wicked tasty! We had these for a finger-food dinner, butimagine an entire platter at your next gathering. Now, imagine a second platter, ’cause that first one will be gone in a flash!
Bonus Post! Cheesy Sex Tots (with Bacon): October 26, 2013
The new-and-forever-name for this tasty little munchie. A half bag of tots, a pound and a half of good bacon, some nicely spiced cheese, and a bit of brown sugar come together to make one fine mouthful.

Tuna Salad, Curried: September 12, 2012
Terrific in a sammich, and not too, too shabby on a cracker; try this slightly different take on tuna today!

Tuna Dip/Spread for a Party: November 13, 2013
Yep – the curried tuna salad, made with fresh aioli and the pickle and cheese pulled out and served on the side, makes for one fine party munchie. Works well on a cracker, and you really should try it in lettuce or endive leaves.

Tuscan Shortbread: October 8, 2011
Technically a cookie – but a savory cookie with rosemary and pine nuts. Not too, too different from Lemon-Basil Butter Cookies.

Veggie Tart: April 8, 2011
Roasted red peppers, green chiles, black olives, and cheese.

Walnuts, Spiced: November 24, 2011
You can make this recipe with pecans, too – just pay attention to the (much shorter) blanching time.

Whiskey Dogs: November 2, 2010

Won Tons: January 7, 2011
The sausage, pepper relish, and pepper jack cheese filling I use for my
calzone, wrapped up in a neat little bite-sized parcel.

Zucchini Sticks, Oven-Fried: July 2, 2013
It’s true, these are more normally served as a healthy side in place of fries, but set a batch out for cocktails for some fine ranch dressing for dipping, I doubt anyone will complain.

Ants Climbing a Tree: March 5, 2013
Good with ground beef, but better, I think, with pork; and do try using hot chili sesame oil at the beginning and the end to bump up the heat (and the flavor) just a little bit.

Banzai Burgers: May 30, 2010
Parfait! Buzzy Banzai Burgers: August 2, 2013
I’ve tweaked things a bit here and there; making my own ‘Terryaki’ sauce, adding a slice of garlic pickle and a bit of yellow mustard to make my best Banzai Burger yet!

Barbecue Beef Cups: December 24, 2010

Barbecued Ribs: April 28, 2010
These are normally pork, but beef ribs work nicely too.

Big Cheeseburger Pizza: March 27, 2011
Parfait! Big Cheesburger ‘Za!: May 31, 2013

Boardinghouse Steak: January 11, 2011

Buttermilk Meatloaf: October 11, 2011
Parfait! Buttermilk Meatloaf: February 3, 2012
Good meatloaf – great glaze!
Parfait! Buttermilk Meatloaf: June 7, 2013
Yeh, I know I keep coming back to this meatloaf, but check out the fine quesadillas I made with the leftovers!

Buttermilk Meatballs, the first test: November 10, 2011

Buttermilk Meatballs, my favorite mix: December 8, 2011
Try ’em like this for a little something different, and they are GREAT like this.
Parfait! Ms. G’s Buttermilk Meatballs: March 23, 2012
Another batch 0′ meatballs – these destined for a baby shower cocktail party.
Parfait! Ms. G’s Buttermilk Meatballs with Stuff!: April 13, 2012
And, by stuff, I am talking about grape jelly, chili sauce, and a slow cooker. Add it all up and you have yourself a cocktail munchie.

Chili Dog Nachos: February 20, 2013
As a munchie or main course, these are pretty darned tasty.

Chili Dog Casserole: July 4, 2013

Chili Sauce, New York(ish) Style: July 3, 2013
This spicy sauce is loaded with beef and onion and black beans, and will, I believe, be very popular spooned over hot dogs or sausages. For a less zippy option, check out green chile sauce.

Chop Suey: February 18, 2013
A slightly updated version of a mid-century recipe. Nice.

Chuck Steak, Oven Roasted: October 30, 2013
A nice twist, using a home made ‘condensed’ cream of chicken and celery soup as the stock base. Try it, I think you’ll like it.

Chuck Steak with Seven Spice: February 8, 2012
A citrus-y teriyaki roasted steak perfect for a cold and stormy night.

Chuck Steak with Zippy Gravy: August 6, 2012
A long list of ingredients, but one fine bit of chuck steak.

Corned Beef: January 2, 2012
Done in a slow cooker with cappuccino stout, veggie stock, and a nice bouquet garni, then allowed to rest in the fridge overnight before being sliced for sammiches – nice!
Parfait! Corned Beef in Stout: March 16, 2012
It was fine for New Year’s – think how perfect it’ll be for St. Pat’s!

Corned Beef Salad: May 4, 2010

Crêpes, Stuffed Manicotti-Style: June 11, 2013
Where to put this recipe? I made this version vegetarian, though the original called for a meat sauce; and in place of pasta tubes, we’re using crêpes, those lovely, thin Frnech pancakes. *sigh* Just resign yourself to finding this, praticular recipe in just about every section of this here table o’ frikkin’ contents. We strive for nothing if not overkill.

Les Crêpes Mexicaines: October 26, 2010
What a nice way to use up any leftover green chile sauce!

Deviled Macaroni Bake: September 29, 2010
This is meant to be a vegetarian recipe, but I used the Green Chile
below – so I’m adding it here.

Filet, Bacon-Wrapped: October 17, 2012

Filet Mignon (AKA Supermarket Filets): May 1, 2012
Why wait for a special occasion or go out? Pick up a couple of those small filets when they’re on sale at the market and be prepared for a special dinner in next to no time.

Fractured Tacos: August 3, 2011
Nice! Just don’t serve it the way my Aunt Buzz did – with baked lettuce

Green Chile Sauce: September 23, 2010
For a spicier, New York(ish) style sauce – check out this recipe.
A meat filled, slightly spicy sauce for Huevos Rancheros or – as I’m
planning – a tasty topping for grilled hot dogs.

Ground Beef, Cuban-Style: February 5, 2013
Well, my version of Cuban style ground beef, anyway. Makes for one, fine, taco (well, several, in fact); and I’m thinkin’ mebbe chili…

Guinness Stew: October 24, 2010
I take two days to make this – but that second day allows me to easily get
rid of a ton of fat, and add some lovely, fresh roasted veggies to the mix.

Kebobs on the Grill: June 19, 2011

Meatballs: April 14, 2010

Meatballs, Buttermilk: December 8, 2011

Meatball Stroganoff: January 24, 2012
A little something different, what with the pork stock and all.

Meatloaf: June 16, 2010
Beef, pork, veal, add what you will, it’s all good.

Meatloaf, another (tasty!) riff on the basic: December 2, 2013
Ground beef and chicken, panko crumbs soaked in buttermilk, and uncooked celery and onion combine to make a very nice loaf of meat.

Meatloaf, Bourbon and Coke With Pepper Gravy: November 6, 2013
The proportions (meat:veggies:panko crumbs) need a bit of work, but the meatloaf is fine.

Meatloaf, Muffin Tin: October 8, 2013
A nice riff on your traditional meatloaf – made single serve size in a large muffin tin.

Meatloaf (now with Oatmeal!): July 13, 2010
This one is made with ground beef, but you could add ground pork as well.

Meatloaf Quesadilla: March 29, 2011
Forget the sammiches – put your leftover meatloaf to a whole new use with
this tasty little snack.

Pepper Steak: August 20, 2012
A nice way to use leftover steak, but good enough to start with fresh.

Pot Roast: April 11, 2010

Pot Roast: January 28, 2011
This is the one where I actually, sort-of kind-of, follow the recipe!

Pot Roast o’ Love (!): April 19, 2011
A new spice rub got me to tinkering; with very tasty results.
Parfait! Pot Roast o’ Love
: October 7, 2011
Fittingly, I’ve posted this recipe on my wedding day 😉

Quesadillas, Cheese Steak: June 6, 2013
A truly fine use of leftover steaks.

Reuben Rolls: October 10, 2012
Corned beef, sauerkraut, swiss cheese and a wee, tiny bit of caraway; all wrapped up in a tidy packet, browned in just a little bit of oil, and then finished in the oven until hot, crispity, and Oh! so tasty.

Ribs, Cherry Cola Barbecue: January 4, 2013

Rib Eye Steak: June 14, 2011

Roast Beast: December 27, 2010

Roast Sirloin: February, 3, 2011

Roast Sirloin, Garlic Studded Pot Roast of: October 1, 2013

Short Ribs, Braised and Barbecued: July 4, 2012
I used boneless ribs this time, but bone-in would work nicely, too.

Short Ribs, Korean Style: August 9, 2012
I love my barbecue sauce, but this is one nice alternative.

Skirt Steak, Beer Marinated: September 25, 2012

Skirt Steak, Marinated and Grilled: January 22, 2013
No disrespect to the beer marinade above, but this is how I plan to prepare skirt steak from now on.

Sloppy Joes: March 21, 2012
Good on a bun, no doubt, but I had plans for these Joes – ‘Za! plans…

Steak and Chop Marinade: July 24, 2010

Steak Frites a la Wadsworth: February 19, 2011

Steaks, New York Rosemary grilled with Garlic Kalamata Olive Mayonnaise: May 27, 2013

Steak, with Quebec Marinade: July 18, 2012
Parfait! Quebec Spiced Steaks: August 17, 2012

Steak, Sirloin, Pan Roasted: November 29, 2012
Your basic meat and potatoes post…

Steak, Sirloin, Peppered, with Bourbon: October 9, 2013

Steak, T-Bone, Broiled: November 7, 2013

Steaks, T-Bone, with Old World 3rd Street Seasoning: May 15, 2013

Steaks, T-Bone, with Peanut Oil: May 21, 2012

Strip Steaks, Easy Teriyaki: July 2, 2011
Not really a recipe, but still mighty tasty!

Stroganoff: July 10, 2010
Parfait! Beef Stroganoff: July 31, 2013
Certainly spicier than your traditional, and this version might could be considered just a wee, tiny bit lighter than my original, because I have cut down on the amount of sour cream used. As always, I use REAL sour cream; that ‘lite’ and ‘reduced whatever’ stuff is loaded with stuff you really do not want to have with your dinner. Well, we don’t.

Swedish Meatballs: February 12, 2011
Beef, pork, breadcrumbs, a touch o’ vermouth, and spices – nice!

Swedish Meatballs, da SAUCE!: February 13, 2011
A tasty, and I gotta believe, healthier alternative to the traditional.

Teriyaki Steaks on the Grill: August 8, 2011

Zanzetti: June 23, 2010
Mac and Cheese (Kraft Dinner), ground beef, tomato soup and herbs.

Arnold Palmers: May 24, 2010

Butterbeer: November 1, 2010

Champagne Margarita: April 2, 2013
Sooo, mine uses gold tequila and Triple Sec in place of the silver and Cointreau; and we used Prosecco instead of champagne. Still a mighty fine sparkling cocktail. Try one (or three) today!

Cherry Tree Fireball: September 2, 2013
Close out the summer – or greet the coming fall season – with this fine blend of cherry lemonade and cinnamon whisky.

Chocolate Smoothie, Frozen: July 18, 2013
A dairy-free, sugar-free frozen treat that is actually pretty good, and good for you! Of course, then I had to go and turn it into a wicked fine frozen dessert. Still good for you, though.

Gin Blossom: September 12, 2013
Door County Gin, orange and pineapple juices. Simple, not too, too sweet, and quite refreshing on a warm September’s day.

Iced Tea: May 21, 2010
Yes, I know the heading begins ‘Jello’… just scroll down a bit.

Lemonade: May 24, 2010
Scroll down under the iced tea in the Arnold Palmer recipe – it’s worth it.

Limoncello: December 10, 2011
Plan ahead – you really need a good month for this to come together.
Limoncello, New and Improved!: April 2, 2012
Still takes 2 weeks to make, but now with less sugar and, I think, better taste. Also, killer with:
Limoncello Spritzer
: April 2, 2012
A perfect brunch cocktail, even if it does require advance planning and (ideally) cute little ice cube trays.
Parfait! Limoncello, The Best!: November 9, 2012
Just in time for the holidays, and my best batch yet! I think the key is to use an ever-so-slightly disreputable vodka; one that is never going to be among the very best, but that really hopes to be considered ok, kinda, if you don’t look (or taste) too closely. That little extra edge of not-so-great liquor may be just what one needs to mellow out properly in a lemon peel marinade and then a bath with simple syrup.
Parfait! Limoncello (mebbe besterer): November 15, 2013
A bad batch o’ lemons cut down the usable amount of peel available, so I improvised and added the peel of an orange, then, later, a cube of fresh frozen lemon juice to the simple syrup to boost the flavor. Nice! Try it in the sangria, just below.

Sangria: November 18, 2013

SoCo Punch: January 3, 2011

Spiced Rum Cocktail: November 22, 2012
Officially known as ‘The Old Oakheart’ after the Bacardi spiced rum called for, this is Rich’s current favorite fall celebration libation. Try one yourself, just be prepared to make an investment in tart cherry concentrate, which will cost you almost as much as the rum.

Sweet Tea: September 13, 2011
Just like they have at that place down every street, so Rich says. But better, I say, because I’ve cut way down on the sugar and no one has seemed to notice.

Triple Orange Cooler: August 12, 2o13
Bitter orange liqueur, orange soda, and fresh orange slices all dressed up and rarin’ to go with a splash or two of prosecco. Try it. It’s good.

Biscuits, Buttermilk: June 20, 2012
Not much more effort than using a mix, and DO try the melted bacon fat on top.

Aunt Beezy’s Soda Bread: April 2, 2011
Toss out whatever other soda bread recipes you have – this one’s
the BEST!
Parfait! Aunt Beezy’s Soda Bread
: September 9, 2011
Still number one! And check out the dried blueberries recipe here.

Aunt Beezy’s Blueberry Soda Bread: April 29, 2011
Friday’s Parfait! recipe takes one fine loaf of soda bread and adds berries,
lemon zest, and poppy seeds – YUM!

Aunt Buzz’s Banana Bread: October 19, 2010
Parfait! Aunt Buzz’s Banana Bread: July 30, 2013

Bean Bread in a Bundt: September 8, 2011
Weird? SURE! But tasty, too – so stop eating with your ears and try a slice!

Big Cheeseburger Pizza: March 27, 2011
Yeah, I know it’s more than just the dough – but who’s to say where you’ll
be looking for it?
Parfait! Big Cheesburger ‘Za!: May 31, 2013

Blueberry Bread: July 3, 2010
An option to strawberry bread (see below).

Blueberry Scones: April 21, 2011

Blue Cheese Garlic Bread: November 1, 2012

Breadcrumbs: December 13, 2011
An alternative to Pain Perdu for your aging bread. Works a treat in Buttermilk Meatballs!

Brioche: June 2, 2010

Son of Brioche: August 13 & 14, 2010
Measurements and the first half of the procedure
Last mixing, rise and baking

(Another) Brioche: October 16, 2013

Burger Buns, Better, Parfait!: December 13, 2013

Butterscotch Nut Bread: September 27, 2011

Calzone: June 20, 2010
More than just bread – meat and cheese filling too.

Calzone, Honey Mustard Chicken: December 19, 2012
A different – and mebbe slightly better – dough, combined with leftover roast chicken and stuff to make one fine loaf o’ goodness.

Challah: February 24, 2011
I made burger buns instead of the traditional braid, but the leftovers will
no doubt still make mighty-fine French toast or bread pudding.
Parfait! Challah
: December 30, 2011
Parfait! Challah (for better rolls): July 27, 2012
Who knew a biscuit cutter could come in so handy?

Char Siu Bao (Asian-Style Pork Buns): April 25, 2013

Ciabatta: February 21, 2013
My new favorite bread recipe! This’ll take a bit of advance planning – there are two overnight rises involved – but your patience will be amply rewarded with two oh! so tasty loaves of bread-y goodness.
Parfait! Bacon Jam Ciabatta Rolls: March 8, 2013
Wherein the dough is wrapped around a savory filling.

Cheese Casserole Bread: July 17, 2011

Cherry Pie (with a bit of Bourbon): July 24, 2012
Nice pie; just watch out for teh pits!

Cinnamon Bread: March 21, 2013

Cinnamon Coffee Ring: June 18, 2012
This wickedly good bread makes two full bundt pan rings – so plan for a crowd, or cut the recipe in half. And please, do use the 2″ biscuit cutter and not the 3-1/2″ as did we. *sigh*

Contessa Bread: October 2, 2013
This one recipe will give you two fine loaves of honey white bread, which is nice if you’re baking for a crowd. Just do try to use the smaller 9×5 loaf pans.

Corn Bread: September 9, 2010

Corn Bread, and CROUTONS!: October 28, 2013
Let us not kid ourselves; the corn bread is fine, if a bit… boring. The CROUTONS, however, are wicked good!

Corn Bread, Hot Water: November 23, 2011
A gluten-free version – just don’t try to crisp it up in the oven after you’ve made it – you won’t be happy.

Cornbread Madeleines: March 13, 2013

Crêpes: October 26, 2010
Savory or sweet, these tender little lovelies add something special.

Crêpes, Stuffed Manicotti-Style: June 11, 2013
Where to put this recipe? I made this version vegetarian, though the original called for a meat sauce; and in place of pasta tubes, we’re using crêpes, those lovely, thin Frnech pancakes. *sigh* Just resign yourself to finding this, praticular recipe in just about every section of this here table o’ frikkin’ contents. We strive for nothing if not overkill.

Croutons: February 10, 2011
Why buy a box of additive-laden-seasoned-bits-of-cardboard at the
market when you can make your own?

Cuban Bread: June 7, 2010

Cuban Bread: August 19, 2010
A better version.

Dinner Rolls, Really Nice: February 29, 2012

Flat Bread: May 22, 2012
This is a GREAT use for left over ‘Za dough, and is so tasty, I am tempted to just keep a couple at hand for everyday noshing.
Parfait! Flat Bread, Best!: June 1, 2012
I’ve swapped out rye flour for the whole wheat and found that adding 4 or 5 hours to the rising time makes for One. Fine. Flat. Bread.
Parfait! Flat Bread (again!): October 19, 2012
Back to the rye flour, but this time I’ve added a sweet toppings version. Be certain to make note of the option I mention at the bottom of the post – yum!
Parfait! Flat Bread Stars: December 14, 2012
YES, again, but THIS time cut into cunning little stars for the holidays. How cool is that?

Flat Bread (Another Recipe, a Different Method): December 17, 2013

Fruit Basket Pie: June 10, 2010
The Crisco crust is kind of cool.

Fry Bread: September 4, 2012

Garlic Bread: May 22, 2013
Start with a baguette (or two) from the market, and season to your heart’s content.

Garlicky Cheese Bread: May 19, 2010
Really, a kind of large biscuit – and not at all unlike those Cheddar things
you get you-know-where.

Ham Quiche: April 19, 2010
A French classic.

Ham Rolls: August 27, 2013
Parfait! Pepperoni Bread: August 30, 2013
The same basic dough as the ham rolls, but filled with deli goodies and shaped into four large loaves. Tasty.

Honey Rye Bread: January 27, 2012

Hushpuppies, Baked: August 22, 2011

Jamaican Meat Pies: August 7, 2012
Well, the dough is Jamaican, anyway, I made up my own filling to make things a bit healthier. Still, nice pies.

Leek Galette: April 12, 2010

Marble Rye Bread: February 21, 2012
Two fine loaves of bread rolled into one! A touch fussy to make, but worth the effort.

Marmalade Bread: May 27, 2010

Marmalade Muffins: May 20, 2010
Same recipe as above – I think it’s better as a bread.

Mushroom Tart: June 8, 2010

Naan: July 25, 2013
Fine, flavorful flat bread cooked on top of the stove. There’s a long rise-time, but this bread is worth the wait!
Parfait!, Naan: November 29, 2013
As good with leftover turkey as it is with butter chicken or Caprese ‘Za!

Pepperjack Soufflé Bread: August 10, 2011

Pepperoni Bread: August 30, 2013
See also: Stromboli, Muffaletta

Pie Dough – BEST!: April 15, 2011
I have several different pie dough recipes scattered here and there, but this
recipe, courtesy of Aarón Sanchez, is was my favorite.
See also: Savory Shortcrust; very nice.
See also: Parfait! Peach Tart with Shortcrust Pastry for a dessert-suitable version of pâte à foncer.
See also: Cherry Pie (with a bit of Bourbon) where I’ve further adjusted the amounts and the seasonings to make one pretty fine shortcrust suitable for lining one 10 inch pie pan for a dessert application. My new favorite.
See also: Parfait! Apple Galette and One Fine Crust wherein I make pâte à foncer – a French take on your basic pie dough.
See also: Tart (and/or Pie)Dough, Finestkind: November 25, 2013

Pita Bread: April 18, 2012
Pretty simple to make – just do be certain to preheat your baking sheets.
Parfait! Pita Bread: June 14, 2013
Still simple to make, just be prepared to add additional flour as needed.

Popovers: July 29, 2010

Pretzel Rolls: March 16, 2011

Pretzel Rolls, More Better: May 17, 2012
REALLY, these are, in my not-so-humble opinion, far superior to the recipe above.

Quiche au Jambon: see Ham Quiche
Everything really DOES sound better in French!

Quiche Lorraine: April 26, 2011
It’s bacon! It’s cheese! It’s eggs! It’s what’s for brunch!

Reuben ‘Za: October 28, 2010

Rolls, Not JUST for Hamburgers: July 15, 2013
Pretty darned spiffier, I think, even than the honey rye rolls just below, and for more than just burgers.

Sammich Rolls, Honey Rye: October 2, 2012
Pretty darned spiffy for burgers, if you ask me.

Savory Shortcrust Pastry: June 12, 2012
Another take on Pie Crust, but tailored for savory fillings, and well suited to filling, rolling, and then baking the slices. Just trust me, and step away from the anchovies.
Parfait! Savory Shortcrust Pastry: September 6, 2013
Yeh – this pastry worked a treat on top of a fine chicken pie, and no one missed the anchovies at all.
Quesadilla, Chicken Chorizo, Black Bean and Corn: December 26, 2013
A doubled batch of savory shortcrust makes for a mighty fine meat pie!

Sourdough Sponge (Parfait!): September 2, 2011
It’s not really a Parfait!, because my first attempt was such a pathetic failure; and this sponge actually works! Not quite ‘sour’ enough for some folk; too flippin’ bad, I say – it makes two lovely loaves o’ bread a week.

Sourdough Boules: October 15, 2011

Sourdough Bread, FINALLY!: September 12, 2011

Sourdough Rye Bread: October 6, 2011
A bread machine recipe you NEED (no pun intended) – be a sport and buy the rye flour, you will not be sorry.

Strawberry Bread: April 24, 2010
Parfait! Spiced Strawberry Bread: July 19, 2013
Basically, the same recipe as above, but with a nice bit of clove added to the cinnamon, a neat trick with the nuts, and a much more better bread/cake pan preparation method.

Stromboli, Muffaletta: November 20, 2013

Sweet Honey French Bread: April 16, 2010
Sweet Honey French Bread, again: January 19, 2011
This bread is SO GOOD I thought it should be posted again.
Parfait! Honey Wheat French Bread: February 8, 2013

Tart (and/or Pie)Dough, Finestkind: November 25, 2013

Triple Pepper Tart with a Gougère Crust: August 16, 2011

Veggie ‘Za: June 22, 2010
Deep dish (covered, actually – with crust) pizza baked in a spring-form pan.

Veggie ‘Za, Grilled: July 21, 2010
Home made pizza dough topped with assorted veggies and grilled.

Waffles, Cornmeal and Buttermilk: March 6, 2012
These are savory dinner waffles, tho’ I suppose you could leave out the black pepper and try ’em for breakfast with maple syrup, or butter and jam.

Wheat Bread with Honey and Cumin: March 14, 2012

‘Za Dough: March 26, 2011

‘Za Dough, Best!: March 22, 2012
Almost a year later, I believe I have found the dough that works best for me – try it and see if you don’t agree.
Parfait! Best ‘Za Dough AND Sauce: July 6, 2012
Still good, and do check out the flat bread option!

‘Za! Dough, New! Improved! Best by Far!: October 7, 2013
They say that practice makes perfect – and it has certainly been proven true in this case.

Zucchini Bread with Pineapple: September 5, 2012

Almond Rhubarb Coffee Cake: May 12, 2010

Apple Galette: October 15, 2010
Not just for dessert – try this with a nice, sharp slice o’ cheddar for breakfast.

Bacon Jam: December 16, 2010
Appetizer or breakfast spread? I’d say it’s your call. But a bit stirred into canned baked beans will turn ’em into something special!

Blueberry Scones: April 21, 2011

Cheesy Rice Breakfast Cups: July 9, 2010
Surprisingly tasty little cups o’ rice and cheese and stuff, check it out!

Eggs Benny Casserole With Roasted Asparagus: March 28, 2013

Ham Quiche: April 19, 2010
A French classic.

Kedgeree!… kinda: May 9, 2011
A quick fix using packaged saffron rice, leftover salmon, and frozen green
beans – add some hard cooked eggs and call it breakfast!

Leek Galette: April 12, 2010

Maple Roasted Bacon: March 11, 2010

Martin County Sausage Soufflé: January 30, 2012
One might-y-fine make-ahead breakfast casserole

Onion and Artichoke Galette: October 16, 2010
We had it for dinner, but brunch would work.

Pain Trouvé: June 27, 2010
French toast made with Brioche found in my freezer.

My Failed (then saved) Potato Cake: December 10, 2010

Quiche Lorraine: April 26, 2011
It’s bacon! It’s cheese! It’s eggs! It’s what’s for brunch!

Turkey Club Casserole: February 15, 2012
Emeril’s original version will easily feed an army, calls for heavy cream and whole milk, and uses fresh tomatoes. I cut the recipe just about in half, used half and half and skim milk, and some lovely Italian sun-dried tomatoes from Tenuta’s. Either way – what a fine start to your morning!

Waffles, Cornmeal and Buttermilk: March 6, 2012
These are savory dinner waffles, tho’ I suppose you could leave out the black pepper and try ’em for breakfast with maple syrup, or butter and jam. Try ’em with Cherry Chicken.

Welsh Rarebit Soufflé: March 18, 2011
Cheese, eggs, seasonings, toast – is this cheese, or breakfast?
Better to be both!

CHEESE (or, ermmm, cheese-like stuff)
Boom Boom Sauce: May 16, 2013
Cheese-y peppery goodness to serve with nachos, chips, or even on a nicely grilled steak(!) – the possibilities truly are endless.

Cream Cheese, Jalapeño: June 26, 2012
Tasty on a bagel, and incredibly good with freshly smoked wild-caught salmon, red onion, and cucumber on flat bread. You might could even try a bit of it wrapped in a won ton and fried; just do let it rest overnight at least to let the flavors really come through.
Parfait! Jalapeño Cream Cheese: November 30, 2012
Parfait! Jalapeño Cream Cheese Spread: March 15, 2013
Best version yet.

Crêpes, Stuffed Manicotti-Style: June 11, 2013
Where to put this recipe? I made this version vegetarian, though the original called for a meat sauce; and in place of pasta tubes, we’re using crêpes, those lovely, thin Frnech pancakes. *sigh* Just resign yourself to finding this, praticular recipe in just about every section of this here table o’ frikkin’ contents. We strive for nothing if not overkill.

Cheese Crisps: January 2, 2013
Use whatever cheese you prefer for these tasty baked treats; and serve them as a munchie with cocktails, or as a nicely toasted cheese-y topper to a cup of soup for a crowd. It’s all good.

Dirty Martini Cheese, Two Ways: October 9, 2012
With vodka or without, this makes for one, fine cheese spread.
Parfait! Just in time for New Year – ALL VODKA!: December 28, 2012

Enchiladas, Cheese & Onion With Red Chile Sauce: February 14, 2013

Garlic Cheese Spread: September 23, 2013

Pimiento Cheese: December 7, 2010

Pimiento Cheese With Jalapeño and Scallions: November 21, 2013
Makes a nice grilled pineapple and ham sammich!

Pimiento Cheese with Sriracha: March 31, 2011

Parfait! Pimiento Cheese – Best for Burgers!: May 20, 2011

Pub Cheese: September 4, 2013

Velveeta @ Home: March 15, 2011
Why buy a box? Amaze your friends and confound your enemies by
making your OWN (really) nice melting cheese with just THREE simple
ingredients! Well, OK, FOUR, if you’re going to be THAT way…

Welsh Rarebit Soufflé: March 18, 2011
Cheese, eggs, seasonings, toast – is this cheese, or breakfast?
Better to be both!

Balsamic Chicken Legs with Soy Sauce and Honey: October 19, 2011

Barbecued Spiced Chicken: December 9, 2010

Breaded Buffalo Chicken: September 17, 2010

Breasts, Boneless, Grilled With a Catalina/Soy Sauce: July 6, 2011

Breasts, Boneless, Maple Mustard Barbecue: January 15, 2013
I stuffed, rolled, breaded, then baked my chicken breasts, but this marinade and sauce would be fine for grilled chicken filets as well; and I might not say no to thinning the sauce and using it as a mop on the grill. As a bonus, I took the leftover stuffed breast, sliced it into medallions over some leftover rice, then drizzled it all with a garlic sauce before reheating. Nice.

Breasts, Boneless, Sweet ‘n Spicy Panko: August 23, 2012

Breasts, Boneless, Wrapped in Bacon, Appetizer: March 14, 2013

Buffalo Chicken Chili: July 22, 2010

Buffalo Chicken Stromboli: May 23, 2012
Really nice – and I am loving the officially unofficial Anchor Bar Wing Sauce recipe. Even if you don’t make the stromboli, make the sauce for your next batch o’ wings.

Buffalo Legs: August 1, 2010

Buffalo Wings, Sticky Chicken, Parfait!: August 23, 2013
Mebbe my best attempt yet at Buffalo-style chicken – but do try (as I plan t0 next time) baking the chicken on thick slices of sweet onion instead of on a rack. Clean up will be much easier, and you’ll have all those lovely roasted onion slices to go with your chicken. Bonus!

Buttermilk Brined Chicken: June 30, 2010
This is a ‘hot wing’ brine, as opposed to Nigella’s marinade just below.

Buttermilk Marinade for Chicken or Chops: July 26, 2011
Yet ANOTHER take on buttermilk and chicken – also nice with pork!

Buttermilk Meatballs, my favorite mix: December 8, 2011

Buttermilk Roasted Chicken: May 11, 2010
OK, so I grill the suckers – it’s still really, really good!

Calzone, Honey Mustard Chicken: December 19, 2012

Cherry Chicken (on waffles): March 7, 2012
Yeh, I know most folk have heard of chicken-fried chicken on waffles – but this version is really nice, and I have to believe at least a bit better for you. The waffles weren’t too shabby, either.

Chicken, Two (or three, four, or mebbe even five) Ways: November 8, 2012
You gotta love options…

Chicken Almondzini: April 20, 2011
Don’t be fooled, some mad, mid-century copywriter couldn’t leave well
enough alone; this is your basic Chicken Tetrazzini – but with the pasta
cooked in fresh chicken stock (my addition) and no canned creamed soups
of any kind.

Chicken with Artichokes: October 13, 2011

Chicken Cordon Bleu: April 30, 2010

Chicken, Coconut Curry: February 26, 2013

Chicken Curry: November 14, 2011

Chicken Curry in the Microwave: February 2, 2012
Stoopidly good – and ready in only 20 minutes!

Chicken with Figs and Gorgonzola: October 12, 2010

Chicken in a Pickle in a Sammich: July 23, 2012
A fried chicken sammich you don’t have to leave home for! Stick with it and try the marinade; pickle juice might seem an odd choice, but you end up with a nicely flavored, very moist bit of bird. Even if, ermmm, you were a bit over zealous in your frying up.

Chicken ‘n Rice Casserole: February 11, 2013
Once again, a can of soup turns into a fine little dinner (and several very nice lunches!).

Chicken Orloff: February 6, 2011
Actually a recipe in trilogy form – you’ll want to start with the soubise, and
then the ‘shroom duxelles – but well worth the time and effort.

Chicken, Oven Fried with Rice Krispies and Panko: December 13, 2012

Chicken Paprika: June 12, 2010
An old school recipe from the nice folk at Campbell’s Soup.

Chicken Paprikas: June 13, 2012
SO, 2 years later, I come back with extra (and HOT) paprika, no soup, and use some lovely crème fraîche to handle the worst of the bite. A nice option.

Chicken Pâté with Apple and Cognac: February 7, 2012

Chicken Salad with Allioli: June 7, 2012

Chicken Salad, Curried: May 22, 2011

Chicken Salad with Toasted Pecans and Dried Cherries: February 9, 2012

Chicken Scarpariello: January 9, 2012
Boneless bits o’ chicken sautéed with peppers and garlic – ready in no time at all!

Chicken Thighs, & Rice With Soup, Shallots, & Pimiento: April 4, 2013
A mildly seasoned casserole with plenty of good stuff for those recovering from the flu, but with enough flavor for the rest of the dinner table.

Chicken, Whole, Apple and Bourbon Roasted: December 17, 2012
Sometimes, the methods we use for roasting a turkey are just as nice with chicken.

Chicken Wings, Citrus and Sesame Roasted: February 28, 2013

Chili-Glazed Chicken: August 25, 2010
Buttermilk, garlic, soy sauce and sweet chili sauce.

Coq au Riesling: October 24, 2011
Oh! so good! Do make it a day ahead to allow the flavors to truly blend, and DO add the cream at the end – YUM!

Cornish Hens, Hoisin Glazed: March 20, 2012

Cornish Hen, Mustard Deviled: February 16, 2012
Not to worry – these hens are lovely and quite juicy, but not really at all spicy.

Country Captain Chicken: September 1, 2010

Curry, Coconut With Pineapple and Biryani: November 14, 2013

Drumsticks, Apple & Honey Baked: March 26, 2013

Four Mustard Chicken: September 17, 2012
The original recipe called for dipping cooked chicken wings into this mighty tasty sauce; how much more better, tho’, to coat partially baked marinated chicken pieces in the sauce and then roast them to golden brown tasty deliciousness?
Update: Try the the 4 Mustard Sauce on a Pork Tenderloin, too; either way; it’s all good.

French Chicken Wings: June 15, 2011
Or legs – it’s your choice.

Gorditas (and grilled chicken fillets): May 4, 2011
Yes, it’s dinner-in-a-box, but it’s good!

Spiced Honey Vinegar Chicken: August 23, 2011

Indonesian Ginger Chicken: November 19, 2010

Jamaican Meat Pies: August 7, 2012
I used ground turkey, but chicken would work a treat here as well.

Lasagna a la Française: April 22, 2010
You’ll need these two recipes as well:
Tomato Sauce: April 22, 2010
White Wine Onion Sauce: April 22, 2010

Lasagna, Overnight: March 18, 2013
Not quite as involved as the Lasagna a la Française above, and Rich actually prefers this version. Please note, tho’, that this recipe calls for an overnight (or at least 8 hour) rest in the fridge before final baking, so work that into your plans.

Legs, Honey and Chili: April 24, 2012
I just used drumsticks, and served mine with spaghetti – but you could use legs and thighs and serve this tasty dish with, ermmm, more traditional fare.

Maple Mustard Chicken Thighs: March 24, 2011

Mango Chutney Chicken: November 3, 2010

Meatloaf, Buttermilk: January 25, 2013
This Parfait! recipe mixes things up a bit by replacing the ground beef with a combination of ground turkey and pork to make a leaner, meaner, but still wicked tasty meatloaf.

Nigella’s Chicken: May 16, 2010
Nigella is truly a goddess with chicken; I swear by her buttermilk marinade,
but this option with olive oil and lemon and onion is just as fantastic.
Parfait! Dinner in an Hour: October 12, 2012
Nigella’s Chicken gets paired with asparagus and baby Yukon Gold potatoes for a fine autumn dinner in next to no time.

Oven Fried Chicken, February 7, 2011
Chicken pieces marinated in seasoned buttermilk, coated with home made
bread crumbs, and baked to crispy, tasty goodness.

Peach Barbecue Glazed Chicken: August 4, 2011

Pot Pie: September 9, 2013

Quesadilla, Chicken Chorizo, Black Bean and Corn: December 26, 2013

Red Curry Chicken: August 5, 2010

Santa Fe Chicken Soup: February 27, 2011

Sesame-Ginger Chicken: January 29, 2013
I used a whole chicken cut in half, but individual pieces would work well, too. One note, this is a slow cooker recipe, so if you are going to use pieces, do go for bone-in thighs. They have more flavor than breasts, stand up better to slow-cooking, and, if you do a bit of research, aren’t really too, too bad for you. Skin on or off is up to you.

Simple Chicken Enchiladas: August 15, 2011

Soul Rolls: March 5, 2012
Ground turkey and cabbage stuffed eggrolls with a dab o’ cheese and two tasty dipping sauces – who needs takeout? These could be an appetizer, but also make for a mighty-fine (and kinda fine-for-you) dinner.

Spatchcocked Chicken, May 19, 2011

Sticky Chicken: July 24, 2013
Boneless, skinless chicken thighs slow roasted on a bed of sliced onion, then drizzled with one. fine. sauce. and finished in the broiler. Yum.

Sweet ‘n Spicy Panko Chicken: August 23, 2012
Oven baked and oh! so tasty. I made this batch with boneless, skinless breasts, but boneless, skinless thighs might could be a good thing, too!
Parfait! Pork Chops, Sweet ‘n Spicy Panko: September 14, 2012
Good with chicken, mebbe even better with boneless pork chops

Sweet Thai Chili Chicken: June 6, 2011

Swiss Turkey Casserole: January 19, 2012
The original recipe makes a tasty chicken casserole. This version saved an already made and OK, but bland, turkey casserole.

Thanksgiving Leftovers: November 26, 2012
Turn your turkey and cranberry relish into tasty tostadas, and/or re-imagine the bird and leftover stuffing into one. Fine. casserole.

Turkey, Bourbon and Cider Roasted: November 26, 2011

Turkey, Bourbon and Cider Roasted: November 5, 2012
I LOVED this recipe last year, so thought I’d post it this year in time for folk to try it themselves for teh big day, enjoy! Think of it as less a ‘Parfait!’ and more an hommage.

Turkey Casserole: January 18, 2012
Nice; but I believe I’ll just make it a Swiss Turkey Casserole next time.

Turkey Casserole, Revisited: January 19, 2012
MUCH more better

Turkey Salad: November 29, 2011

Wings, Atomic Fire: September 25, 2013
An candy apple-type wing sauce based on cinnamon whisky instead of candies.

Wings, Candy Apple: October 11, 2012
Parfait! Candy Apple Chicken Wings: October 21, 2013
I added a light coating of nicely seasoned flour to the wings before baking, which helps the wings hold onto the sauce. Good right from the oven, mebbe a bit better the next day.

Wings or Drumsticks, with White Barbecue Sauce: June 27, 2013

White Chili: October 25, 2013

White ‘Za: March 12, 2012
Pizza with roasted chicken, a sun dried tomato pesto Alfredo sauce, fresh tomatoes and feta cheese – what’s not to love?

Almond-Citrus Snails: February 14, 2011

Almond Cookies: August 6, 2010

Angeletti Di Saronno: May 3, 2011
A simple cookie with a fancy name.

Parfait! Angeletti Di Saronno: October 28, 2011
Have an hour? Make some cookies!

Black Forest Hazelnut Cookie Bars: September 16, 2011
SortofaKinda Parfait! of the Orange Hazelnut Cookie Bars. Get your hazelnut roasting guidance here.

Black Walnut Brownies: February 1, 2012
A classic, basic brownie you can put together in no time.

Brownies, Outrageous(ly) AWESOME: November 19, 2013
Best! Brownies. Ever!

BuzzyBrownies: December 11, 2010
An old recipe of mine I came across looking for something else entirely.
Chocolate, orange and cream cheese – how could you NOT love these?

Cappuccino Cream Cheese Brownies: November 16, 2010
Are brownies cookies? As with the whoopie pies, I’ve erred on the side of
caution and am listing these rich, gooey bits o’ chocolate goodness both
here and in desserts.

Carrot Cake Cookies: January 22, 2011

Cherry Coconut Bars: January 2, 2011
One of my favorite cookie combinations – soon, I think, to be turned into
a tasty, tasty tart.

Cherry Cobbler: July 9, 2012
A might too sweet for my tastes, I believe it was the sugar cookie topping that did me in.

Cherry Pie (with a bit of Bourbon): July 24, 2012
Nice pie; just watch out for teh pits! Oh, and the shortcrust is da bomb!

Chocolate Cake: April 22, 2013
Start with a specific cake mix, add some eggs, mayonnaise, and ice, then bake. One FINE chocolate cake.
Parfait! (Rich. Dark. Moist.) Chocolate Cake: November 1, 2013
The cake is pretty darned fantastic, but don’t skimp on the espresso mocha buttercream frosting; it makes the cake.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups: September 27, 2012
A dairy-free treat, if you choose your chocolate well…

Chocolate Pretzel Cookies: September 11, 2012
Parfait! Chocolate Pretzel Cookies: December 21, 2012
I am still not a huge fan of these cookies, but if Rich’s mom likes ’em, that’s enough for me.

Cranberry Happiness Bars: November 22, 2011

Cranberry Peanut Bars: November 21, 2011

Crispy Chocolate Bars: June 29, 2010
These are made with corn flakes – I’m jus’ sayin’.

Date Bars: May 25, 2011

Espresso Chocolate Chip Cookies: June 17, 2010

Faux Madeleines: February 18, 2011

French Roast Shortbread: April 6, 2011

Glazed Fig Cookies: July 31, 2011
OK, so this is a doubled up copycat recipe – your basic sugar cookie/faux
Madeleine dough used to make thumbprint cookies again, but this time with
the addition of a vanilla glaze drizzled over all whilst cooling. Neat, no?

Guinness Chocolate Cake: June 13, 2013

Lemon-Basil Butter Cookies: December 22, 2011

Maple Snickerdoodles: January 15, 2010

Maude’s Cookies: August 20, 2010
Truly light (around 40 calories) and tasty – with a l’il hit of ginger.

Mimmy’s Banana Walnut Cookies: October 9, 2010

Mocha Bites: November 12, 2010

Neapolitan Bars: December 23, 2013

Oatmeal Sammich Cookies: September 18, 2010

Oatmeal Scotchies: May 29, 2012
Oatmeal cookies with butterscotch chips.

Orange Butter Cookie Bars: March 21, 2011

Orange Hazelnut Cookies: September 7, 2011
Good, and you can find out how to roast the hazelnuts here, but check out the Black Forest Hazelnut cookies for a more better solution.

Orange Madeleines: July 20, 2010

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies: December 8, 2010

Salted Caramel Thumbprint Cookies: December 11, 2013

Salted Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunches: August 14, 2012
No-bake, no-dairy, no problem! Sea salt and chocolate and peanut butter and crunchy goodness in a bar.

Spiced Pear Cookies: October 20, 2011

Strawberry Cookie Bars: October 22, 2012
Sugar cookie dough and home made strawberry jam with just a bit of your favorite red wine – now this is what I call a cookie! And, ermmm, the rest of that bottle of wine? Well, it would be shame to waste it…

Sugar Cookies: May 2, 2010

Thumbprint Cookies: May 29, 2011
So, if you’re REALLY paying attention; you’ve caught me – this is the same
basic dough I use for sugar cookies and faux madeleines, but I don’t bother
wrapping it up and chilling it for two hours before rolling it out into cookies.
Meet my new best friend: the 1 tablespoon cookie scoop!

Toffee Cookie Bars, Lois’: February 4, 2013
Yeh, you could just pick up a chocolate toffee candy bar at the market, but why not make your own chocolate and toffee treat where you can customize the chocolate to your preference?

Tropical Cookies: December 23, 2010

Tuscan Shortbread: October 8, 2011
Technically a cookie – but a savory cookie with rosemary and pine nuts. Not too, too different from Lemon-Basil Butter Cookies.

Walnut Cookies: December 21, 2010

Whoopie Pies: October 5, 2010
Could be considered a cake, could be thought of as a cookie; so here you
have it – under cookies AND under desserts and sweets.

Red Velvet Whoopie Pies: October 23, 2010

Whoopie Pies with Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting: October 31, 2010
A customized, orange version of red velvet for Hallowe’en.

Almond Rhubarb Coffee Cake: May 12, 2010

Apple Galette: October 15, 2010
This was a spur-of-the-moment-use-up-extra-dough recipe, so I didn’t have
any traditional ‘pie’ apples on hand; but the Jazz apples I did have worked
surprisingly well.
Parfait! Apple Galette and One Fine Crust
I made pâte à foncer – a French take on your basic pie dough, and added some ground cloves to make up for a bland batch of apples.

Bacon Chocolate: December 31, 2011

Blueberry Clafoutis: October 29, 2010

Blueberry Scones: April 21, 2011

Buttermilk Cobbler: May 2, 2011
Just another example of the myriad uses for the hardest working liquid in
the dairy case.

Brownies, Outrageous(ly) AWESOME: November 19, 2013

Brownies, Pecan Pie: December 9, 2013

BuzzyBrownies: December 11, 2010
Parfait! Buzzy’s (CreamCheeseChocolateOrangeEspresso) Brownies: August 1, 2013

Cake Pops, Salted Caramel with White and Dark Chocolate: May 28, 2013
Plan for an hour’s cooling time in the fridge after each dipping, but these tasty treats will be worth the wait.
Parfait! Salted Caramel Cake Pops: December 27, 2013
These are mebbe better than the first batch in three ways: I just made the cake according to package directions (the really lovely extra egg and mayonnaise version makes a great cake, but is mebbe a tad too rich for all that is then added to make cake pops). Next, I eliminated the pop sticks. My cake balls were too big for them anyway, and kept falling off. Lastly, instead of searching out a jar of salted caramel sauce at Trader Joe’s or some pricey specialty shoppe, I made my own (easy) dulce de leche and added sea salt and a drop of brandy. YUM.

Cappuccino Cream Cheese Brownies: November 16, 2010

Carrot Cake: April 10, 2011
With all apologies to everyone else who has ever made me a carrot cake –
Parfait! Best! Carrot Cake: October 23, 2013
I’ma tell you, Bobby Flay’s carrot cake is terrific, but adding a bit of ground ginger to the spice mix is a very good thing.

Carrot Cake Cookies: January 22, 2011
Not QUITE a whoopie pie – but certainly in the family.

Cheesecake Ice Cream: December 5, 2012
Rich, tasty cheesecake in ice cream form, and not too tough to make. Think about firming the ice cream in a mold and serve it like that; but don’t forget the brandied cherry sauce!

Cherry Almond Tart: January 31, 2011

Cherry Cobbler: July 9, 2012
The filling RULES! – but the overall cobbler was, ermmm, too darned sweet! Oh well, I will just have to try again… without the sugar cookies.

Chocolate Stout Cake: June 13, 2013
Parfait! Chocolate Stout Cake: November 8, 2013

Chocolate Frozen Dessert: July 18, 2013
Can’t really call this ice cream, because it’s dairy-free. Sugar-free, too, for that matter; but still all natural and made with five, pretty basic ingredients in a blender and ice cream machine. You do want to check this out…

Chocolate Hazelnut Toffee: September 22, 2010

Chocolate Mousse: September 27, 2010
This recipe tasted great, but never really set correctly, tho’ that may well
have been user error. I will have to experiment some more.
Parfait! Chocolate Mousse: December 2, 2011

Clementine Chess Pie: February 28, 2012
The addition of citrus cuts some of the sweet from this variation on custard pie.

The contessa’s Pound Cake: January 26, 2011

Creamy Fruit Mold: February 26, 2011
Yes, it’s a Jell-O mold! Let’s see how it turns out…

Date Cake with Sticky Toffee Sauce: June 1, 2011

Espresso Chocolate Mousse: October 25, 2011
I added a bit of orange zest as well – nice!

Figgy Pudding Cake: November 28, 2011
A classic holiday dessert.

Fruit Basket Pie: June 10, 2010
The Crisco crust is kind of cool

Fruit Basket Pie, Parfait!: July 1, 2011

Ginger Pound Cake: March 4, 2013
Not too, too sweet, and just a bit on the fussy side to make; still and all, one fine cake.

Gold Rush Brownies: July 7, 2010

Golnaz’ Fruit Tart Cream: July 15, 2010

Grapefruit and Cream Cheese Pound Cake: February 19, 2013

Green Stuff: April 27, 2011
Pistachio pudding an’ stuff, all whipped together and poured over Ritz
crackers crushed with melted butter – don’t judge – try it!
Parfait! Green Stuff: May 11, 2012

Hallowe’en Whoopie Pies: October 31, 2010
‘Orange Velvet’ Pies with chocolate cream cheese filling.

Hazelnuts, Roasted: September 6, 2011

Ice Cream, Cow-B-Gone Vanilla: August 8, 2012
Soy milk makes for one fine home-made treat in just a few hours with the help of a blender and a small ice cream machine.

Ice Cream, Root Beer: September 24, 2012
Still with the soy milk, but with an intense root beer flavor; I would recommend serving this scoop-for-scoop with the vanilla ice cream above.

Lemon(ish) Sorbet: March 11, 2013
I was a few lemons short of what I needed to make this, but Clementines happen to make a fine substitute.

Mango Chutney Cake: August 11, 2011

Marshmallow Fluff: April 9, 2011
This is good on its own – but also needed for frosting carrot cake.

Milky Way Cake: December 31, 2012
No, this cake doesn’t just taste like Milky Way bars, it’s made from them; and is pretty darned tasty. Don’t let the egg separating and whisking and candy bar melting worry you, it may all look a bit fussy, but this recipe comes together quickly and easily.

Oatmeal Pie: July 27, 2011

Orange Sour Cream Cake: December 3, 2010

Peach Galette: August 24, 2011
Parfait! Peach Tart with Shortcrust Pastry: July 13, 2012
Same great peach and ginger filling, but now with a new and improved shortcrust pâte à foncer and baked in a tart pan.

Pear Custard Impossible Pie: October 26, 2011
It begins with Bisquick and ends as a surprisingly custard-y pie.

Pecan Pie: November 22, 2010

Red Velvet Whoopie Pies: October 23, 2010
Tangy, red cake filled cream cheese filling.
Parfait! Red Velvet Whoopie Pies: October 18, 2013

Rice Krispie Bars: July 19, 2011

Saltine Toffee: December 6, 2010
Chocolate, salt, nuts; what more could you want?

Snickers Cake: February 7, 2013

Spice Cake, Dinette: October 1, 2011
A small-ish cake from scratch – and don’t forget the Penuche Icing.

Spice Cake, Great Canadian: June 18, 2013

Spice Cake, Greek: October 25, 2012

Spiced Pear Upside Down Cake: June 7, 2011

Whoopie Pies with Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting: October 31, 2010
A customized, orange version of red velvet for Hallowe’en.

Whoopie Pies: October 5, 2010
Two mini chocolate cakes sandwiched around a creamy vanilla filling.
Parfait!: June 17, 2011
Parfait! Now Dairy-Free: September 28, 2012

Wine Pie: April 20, 2010


Eggs Benny Casserole With Roasted Asparagus: March 28, 2013

Apple Butter: January 16, 2013

Cashew Butter: November 11, 2013
Dead simple to make, and tasty, too!

Clementine Marmalade: August 27, 2010

Again with the Clementine Marmalade: December 15, 2010
The same recipe as above, but with the added improvements of
seasonality (perfect for gift-giving!) and, I’ve included a link for gauging
jellies without added pectin (AKA – the spoon test).

Orange Marmalade: December 9, 2011
I listed it as a Parfait! recipe, but it really is a bit different from the Clementine version.

Peach Butter: March 25, 2013
Parfait! Peach Butter: December 20, 2013

Plum Jam: August 13, 2012
Plums, lemon juice and sugar are all you’ll need.
Parfait! Plum Jam: September 27, 2013
The plums are perfect right about now for making jam, and you still need no funky ingredients, just fresh plums, lemon juice, and of sugar.

Strawberry-Port Wine Jam: December 12, 2012

Parfait! Lamb Chops: January 11, 2013
Still one of my favorite dinners.

Loin Chops: February 28, 2011

Loin Chops: Grilled: June 9, 2011

Loin Chops, Sautéed, in a Cherry Balsamic Reduction: November 16, 2011

Bourbon Marinade: August 13, 2013
A fine, classic marinade for beef, pork, and/or chicken.
Parfait! Bourbon Marinade: August 16, 2013
Wherein I prove that the bourbon marinade works (almost) as well on chicken and pork as it did with steak.

Steak and Chop Marinade: July 24, 2010

Vietnamese(ish) Sauce and Marinade for Pork: April 23, 2013

Parfait! Afternoon Delight Tomatoes: September 21, 2012
Add some shelf-life to all those tomatoes coming from the garden.

Parfait! Amazing Wondercheez: October 21, 2011
You didn’t expect me to come out and call it Velveeta, did you?

Parfait! Angeletti Di Saronno: October 28, 2011
Have an hour? Make some cookies!

Parfait! Apple Galette and One Fine Crust
I made pâte à foncer – a French take on your basic pie dough, and added some ground cloves to make up for a bland batch of apples.

Parfait! Aunt Buzz’s Banana Bread: July 30, 2013

Parfait! Bacon Jam: March 1, 2013
Still unsure of how to serve this? Make a batch this weekend, then check out next Friday’s Parfait! post for two, pretty cool (I think) new applications.

Parfait! Bacon Jam Ciabatta Rolls: March 8, 2013
Wherein my new favorite bread dough is wrapped around a savory filling.

Parfait! Beef Stroganoff: July 31, 2013
Certainly spicier than your traditional, and this version might could be considered just a wee, tiny bit lighter than my original, because I have cut down on the amount of sour cream used. As always, I use REAL sour cream; that ‘lite’ and ‘reduced whatever’ stuff is loaded with stuff you really do not want to have with your dinner. Well, we don’t.

Parfait! Big Cheesburger ‘Za!: May 31, 2013

Parfait! Blueberry Salad with Feta and Dried Cherries: June 21, 2013
Same as the Mshalale salad, but with feta substituted for the string cheese. Still yummy.

Parfait! Blue Cheese Yogurt Dip: October 26, 2012

Parfait! Bobaks (Sausages) ‘n Beer: September 23, 2011

Parfait! Bourbon Marinade: August 16, 2013

Parfait! Burger Buns, Better: December 13, 2013

Parfait! Buffalo Wings, Sticky Chicken: August 23, 2013
Mebbe my best attempt yet at Buffalo-style chicken – but do try (as I plan t0 next time) baking the chicken on thick slices of sweet onion instead of on a rack. Clean up will be much easier, and you’ll have all those lovely roasted onion slices to go with your chicken. Bonus!

Parfait! Buttermilk Meatloaf: February 3, 2012
Good meatloaf – great glaze!
Parfait! Buttermilk Meatloaf: January 25, 2013
This version mixes things up a bit by replacing the ground beef with a combination of ground turkey and pork to make a leaner, meaner, but still wicked tasty meatloaf.
Parfait! Buttermilk Meatloaf: June 7, 2013
Yeh, I know I keep coming back to this meatloaf, but check out the fine quesadillas I made with the leftovers!

Parfait! Buzzy Banzai Burgers: August 2, 2013
I’ve tweaked things a bit here and there; making my own ‘Terryaki’ sauce, adding a slice of garlic pickle and a bit of yellow mustard to make my best Banzai Burger yet!

Parfait! Buzzy’s (CreamCheeseChocolateOrangeEspresso) Brownies: August 1, 2013

Parfait! Cake Pops, Salted Caramel: December 27, 2013
These are mebbe better than the first batch in three ways: I just made the cake according to package directions (the really lovely extra egg and mayonnaise version makes a great cake, but is mebbe a tad too rich for all that is then added to make cake pops). Next, I eliminated the pop sticks. My cake balls were too big for them anyway, and kept falling off. Lastly, instead of searching out a jar of salted caramel sauce at Trader Joe’s or some pricey specialty shoppe, I made my own (easy) dulce de leche and added sea salt and a drop of brandy. YUM.

Parfait! Candy Apple Chicken Wings: October 21, 2013
I added a light coating of nicely seasoned flour to the wings before baking, which helps the wings hold onto the sauce. Good right from the oven, mebbe a bit better the next day.

Parfait! Best! Carrot Cake: October 23, 2013
I’ma tell you, Bobby Flay’s carrot cake is terrific, but adding a bit of ground ginger to the spice mix is a very good thing.

Parfait! Carrots Vichy: November 11, 2011

Parfait! Challah: December 30, 2011

Parfait! Cherry Cola Barbecue Beef Ribs: January 4, 2013
Parfait! Cherry Cola Barbecue Beef AND Pork Ribs: September 13, 2013

Parfait! (Rich. Dark. Moist.) Chocolate Cake: November 1, 2013
The cake is pretty darned fantastic, but don’t skimp on the espresso mocha buttercream frosting; it makes the cake.

Parfait! Chocolate Stout Cake: November 8, 2013

Parfait! Chocolate Mousse: December 2, 2011

Parfait! Chocolate Pretzel Cookies: December 21, 2012
I am still not a huge fan of these cookies, but if Rich’s mom likes ’em, that’s enough for me.

Parfait! Ciao! Piccolo: March 30, 2012
Cauliflower, peppers and such, all nicely pickled and packed into jars for your pleasure.
Parfait! Ciao! Piccolo: March 29, 2013
I make this tasty chopped pickle several times a year – we like it on grilled sausages, but my sister and her buds enjoy it as a chip dipper, so you go ahead and do what you like.

Parfait! Chili Sauce: December 6, 2013

Parfait! Cole Slaw, The Best!: February 15, 2013

Parfait! Corned Beef in Stout: March 16, 2012

Parfait! Cranberry Relish: November 18, 2011
Parfait! Cranberry Relish: November 22, 2013
Yep, well and truly sauced cranberries again, but this time, I’ve canned them so they are shelf-stable until needed.

Parfait! Cranberry Relish (but not Julia’s): March 9, 2012
Not quite the classic – but a nice way to use up leftover canned veggies

Parfait! Cream Cheese, Jalapeño: November 30, 2012

Parfait! Dinner in an Hour: October 12, 2012
Nigella’s Chicken gets paired with asparagus and baby Yukon Gold potatoes for a fine autumn dinner in next to no time.

Parfait! Dirty Martini Cheese Spread: December 28, 2012

Parfait! Figgy Pudding Cake: January 6, 2012

Parfait! Flat Bread, Best!: June 1, 2012
I’ve swapped out rye flour for the whole wheat and found that adding 4 or 5 hours to the rising time makes for One. Fine. Flat. Bread.
Parfait! Flat Bread (again!): October 19, 2012
Back to the rye flour, but this time I’ve added a sweet toppings version. Be certain to make note of the option I mention at the bottom of the post – yum!
Parfait! Flat Bread Stars: December 14, 2012
YES, again, but THIS time cut into cunning little stars for the holidays. How cool is that?

Parfait! Green Peas: November 4, 2011

Parfait! Green Beans Mandarin: August 24, 2012
I skipped the nuts, added toasted ramen noodles and a zippy little ‘hot’ chili seasoning packet to make a pretty darned decent canned veggie recipe mighty fine! Try it and see if you don’t agree.

Parfait! Honey Rye Bread: January 27, 2012
Sweet Honey French Bread with a bit of the regular flour swapped out for rye. Nice!
Parfait! Honey Wheat French Bread: February 8, 2013

Parfait! Best! Horseradish Sauce: October 5, 2012
Who knew that adjusting measurements to make an already good recipe a little less fussy to put together would yield such very good results? Check it out and see if you don’t agree.

Parfait! Jalapeño Cream Cheese Spread: March 15, 2013
Best version yet.

Parfait! Jardinière Salad: August 9, 2013

Parfait! Johnny Mazetti Spaghetti: September 7, 2012
Wherein I cut out a LOT of cheese from one fine and tasty pasta casserole, and the results are not too, too bad! Of course, it’s even better when I sprinkle the leftovers with a bit of cheddar and asiago and pop ’em in the ‘wave – but I still ended up with a pretty major net savings on cheese content.

Parfait! Lamb Chops: January 11, 2013

Parfait! Linguiça ‘n Beer: June 22, 2012
Set aside your brats and your Italian sausages and prepare yourself for a treat – IF you can find the real deal linguiça. If your market doesn’t carry it, you can always order some from the nice folk at Gaspar’s. Or come over by here on sausage night.

Parfait! Limoncello, The Best!: November 9, 2012
Parfait! Limoncello (mebbe besterer): November 15, 2013
A bad batch o’ lemons cut down the usable amount of peel available, so I improvised and added the peel of an orange, then, later, a cube of fresh frozen lemon juice to the simple syrup to boost the flavor. Nice!

Parfait! Maple Roasted Bacon: August 12, 2011
Parfait! Maple Roasted Bacon, Again!: February 24, 2012

Parfait! THE Marinade for Lamb Chops: June 8, 2012
Put away the mint jelly, this marinade, and mebbe a dab o’ rémoulade or horseradish sauce is all you need. Ermmm, I wouldn’t say no to a bit of Allioli, either.

Parfait! Marinated Stuffed Cherry Peppers: November 2, 2012
Always welcome at the holidays, and now vegetarian to boot! Just remember to plan about a week for the peppers to properly marinate.
Parfait (again)! Marinated Stuffed Cherry Peppers: March 22, 2013
3 years later – still one of my most popular munchies.

Parfait! Mom’s Lasagna: October 14, 2011

Parfait! Ms. G’s Buttermilk Meatballs: March 23, 2012
Parfait! Ms. G’s Buttermilk Meatballs with Stuff!: April 13, 2012
And, by stuff, I am talking about grape jelly, chili sauce, and a slow cooker. Add it all up and you have yourself a cocktail munchie.

Parfait!, Naan: November 29, 2013
As good with leftover turkey as it is with butter chicken or Caprese ‘Za!

Parfait! Oyster Crackers, (Nicely) Seasoned: October 24, 2013

Parfait! 2 Day Pasta Salad: June 29, 2012
You don’t really need 2 days, but you do need to plan on 3 or 4 hours total. Oh, and make twice as much dressing. Nice macaroni salad.

Parfait! Peach Butter: December 20, 2013

Parfait! Peach Tart with Shortcrust Pastry: July 13, 2012

Parfait! Penne Pasta Pizza Bake – now in single serve!: September 20, 2013
I used leftovers from the big casserole and added additional fresh mozz and some Emmentaler on the top. Yum.

Parfait! Peppers, Balsamic Roasted: April 26, 2013

Parfait! Pepperoni Bread: August 30, 2013
The same basic dough as ham rolls, but filled with deli goodies and shaped into four large loaves. Tasty.

Parfait! Pineapple-Palooza!: May 10, 2013
Aloha ribs with a vastly improved pineapple sauce, plus a nice way to customize packaged yellow rice and, as a bonus! – pineapple barbecue meatballs.

Parfait! Pita Bread: June 14, 2013

Parfait! Plum Jam: September 27, 2013

Parfait! Plum Sauce: October 4, 2013

Parfait! Poppy Seed Salad Dressing: January 13, 2012

Parfait! Pork Chops, Cider, ermmm Braised: July 5, 2013
These called ‘cider fried’ in the original post, but ‘braised’ is much more accurate. They’re still wicked tender and tasty, tho’.

Parfait! Pork Chops, Sweet ‘n Spicy Panko: September 14, 2012
Good with chicken, mebbe even better with boneless pork chops.

Parfait! Potato Cakes, Best!: January 18, 2013

Parfait! Quinoa Tabbouleh: May 17, 2013

Parfait! REALLY Tasty Steak ‘n Ring Sauce: February 17, 2012
The glaze from Buttermilk Meatloaf Parfait! is so nice on its own as a condiment, I thought it deserved it’s own post, and a quick revisit – grilling season is comin’, people!

Parfait! Red Velvet Whoopie Pies: October 18, 2013

Parfait! Ribs with Cherry and Cola Barbecue Sauce: February 22, 2013

Parfait! Ribs, Jalapeño Jelly Barbecue: July 12, 2013

Parfait! Rib Rub and Cranberry Braised Ribs: February 10, 2012

Parfait! Roasted Garlic Dressing, Best!: December 23, 2011

Parfait! Savory Shortcrust Pastry: September 6, 2013

Parfait! Sloppy Joe ‘Za: December 7, 2012
Go all the way and add your freshly sliced bit o’ goodness with pickle and yellow mustard – yum!

Parfait! Smothered Chops and Sweet Potato Poutine: January 20, 2012

Parfait! Soul Rolls: April 6, 2012
I doubled the recipe, used ground chicken in place of the ground turkey, and cut back a bit on the dipping sauce(s) – still wicked good!
Parfait! Soul Rolls – Now With Beef!: November 16, 2012
Still wicked good
; so you have now have no reason not to try them.
Parfait! Jewel Rolls – Soul Rolls with a bit of sparkle!: July 20, 2012
Back to ground turkey this time, but I replaced the cheese with Repper Relish to make one mighty-fine variation.

Parfait! Spiced Strawberry Bread: July 19, 2013

Parfait! ‘sup!: November 23, 2012
Same, great ketchup as before, but with the spiced toned down just a little bit to suit more tastes, and the ingredients scaled up to yield a very respectable 15 pints.
Parfait! ‘Sup! and THE Barbecue Sauce: May 24, 2013
A nicely spiced ketchup, made from ingredients you know and trust is always a good thing. Turn around and turn that nice batch o’ ‘sup! into enough of my FAVORITE barbecue sauce to see us through the first part of summer, and I’d call that WINNING!

Parfait! Tante Marie’s Catalina French Dressing: June 15, 2012
An updated version; surprisingly mild.

Parfait! Thai Fruit Salad: April 5, 2013

Parfait! Thai-Style Pork Stew: March 2, 2012
Truly new and improved! – I’ve removed the peanut butter from the base (don’t worry, you can still stir it into individual bowls, if you like) and added toasted sesame oil and some Aleppo pepper for a bit of smoky flavor. Nice!
Parfait! Thai-Style Pork Stew – with a twist at the end!: February 1, 2013
Still good, and still one of our favorites, but check out the very end of the post…

Parfait! The Best! Thousand Island Dressing: April 27, 2012
No capers? No problem! And a bit of crème fraîche adds a nice bit of richness to mellow out the bit of spiciness.
Parfait! New! Improved! Best! Thousand Island Dressing: April 12, 2013
Yeh… extra lemon juice and a bit of freeze-dried shallot… Nice.

Parfait! Tomato Soup: April 20, 2012
Yeh, it’s all from cans and bottles, but how nice on a cold, gray day!

Parfait! Tuna Salad, Curried: October 22, 2013
A dab less of the sweet and dill relishes, a bit of added Ciao! Piccolo, and, just mebbe, an extra hit of curry powder makes for one, fine batch o’ tuna.

Parfait! Best ‘Za Dough AND Sauce: July 6, 2012
Still good, and do check out the flat bread option!

Parfait! Whoopie Pies, Now Dairy-Free: September 28, 2012

Baked Spaghetti: January 18, 2011
The only time I’ve had whole wheat pasta that I actually enjoyed it.

Best! Doctored Pasta Sauce: August 27, 2012

Couscous, Salad: June 5, 2013
Made with larger Israeli (Pearl) couscous. Very nice.

Crêpes, Stuffed Manicotti-Style: June 11, 2013
Where to put this recipe? I made this version vegetarian, though the original called for a meat sauce; and in place of pasta tubes, we’re using crêpes, those lovely, thin Frnech pancakes. *sigh* Just resign yourself to finding this, praticular recipe in just about every section of this here table o’ frikkin’ contents. We strive for nothing if not overkill.

Deviled Macaroni Bake: September 29, 2010
This little bit o’ vintage was meant to be a vegetarian Lenten recipe, but I
used green chile sauce I had in the fridge when I made it. I do believe
though, that it is hearty enough to stand on it’s own without meat, so try it, I
think you’ll like it.

Garlic Pasta Sauce: January 7, 2013
Sautéed garlic, olive oil, and fresh chopped parsley come together to make One. Fine. Pasta Sauce. Add your pasta of choice, a bit of good Parmesan, and a dusting of your best black pepper (Tellicherry, in this house), and you have yourself a pretty darned tasty dinner. I had some shrimp laying about that were quite nice in the sauce, too.

Jardinière Salad: July 27, 2010
A macaroni salad of a different color!
Parfait! Jardinière Salad: August 9, 2013

Johnny Mazetti Spaghetti: July 3, 2012
Spaghetti and cheese and sauce and black olives and YUM!
Parfait! Johnny Mazetti Spaghetti: September 7, 2012
Wherein I cut out a LOT of cheese, and the results are not too, too bad! Of course, it’s even better when I sprinkle the leftovers with just a little bit of cheddar and asiago and pop ’em in the ‘wave – but I still ended up with a pretty major net savings on cheese content.

Lasagna: April 7, 2011
Almost a year after featuring Julia Child’s take on it (see immediately
below), here’s my mom’s version of this tasty, tasty dish.

Parfait! Mom’s Lasagna: October 14, 2011
This time made with smoky linguiça.

Lasagna, Chicken, Overnight: March 18, 2013

Lasagna a la Française: April 22, 2010
You’ll need these two recipes as well:
Tomato Sauce: April 22, 2010
    White Wine Onion Sauce: April 22, 2010

Lemon-Garlic Pasta: February 27, 2013

Linguiça Sauce: July 28, 2011

Macaroni and Cheese: April 4, 2011

Macaroni and Cheese by Fanny Farmer: April 28, 2011

Macaroni and Cheese (Better): May 4, 2012
I am still working on the cheese mixture, but this is a good start. The real star of this recipe, tho’, is the white sauce and roux MADE ENTIRELY IN THE ‘WAVE! Cool!

Macaroni Salad: June 24, 2010
Parfait! Macaroni Salad: June 10, 2011
Parfait! 2 Day Pasta Salad: June 29, 2012
You don’t really need 2 days, but you do need to plan on 3 or 4 hours total. Oh, and make twice as much dressing. Nice macaroni salad.

Overnight Pasta Casserole: March 13, 2012
Meatballs an’ pasta an’ cheese an’ stuff – all tossed together the night before and ready to bake when you are.

Parsley Pesto Pasta: January 20, 2011

Penne Pasta Pizza Bake: September 18, 2013
Parfait! Penne Pasta Pizza Bake – now in single serve!: September 20, 2013
I used leftovers from the big casserole and added additional fresh mozz and some Emmentaler on the top. Yum.

Pierogi Casserole: November 7, 2011
Potatoes AND pasta AND cheese AND bacon. Oh, my.

Pimiento Tuna Penne: January 14, 2011
You don’t HAVE to include the tuna in this, in which case you get a pretty
darned terrific riff on mac an’ cheese for a side dish, or maybe a vegetarian
main course.

Sesame Noodles: January 28, 2013

Spaghetti Salad With Cold Sauce: July 11, 2011

Stir-Fry Noodles: August 7, 2013

Stuffed Shells, 4-Cheese, With Artichoke and Spinach: February 12, 2013
Nice. Needs more sauce, and mebbe that spoonful of sugar, but nice.

Sweet Chili Noodle Salad: March 15, 2012
A refreshingly different take on a ‘pasta’ salad – and gluten free, if you use the right kind of miso in place of the soy sauce!

Ants Climbing a Tree: March 5, 2013
Good with ground beef, but better, I think, with pork; and do try using hot chili sesame oil at the beginning and the end to bump up the heat (and the flavor) just a little bit.

Bacon, Deviled: June 20, 2013
Breakfast food? Sammich filler? Snack? It’s ALL good; and don’t fret too much about all that hot sauce… the bourbon smooths things out nicely.

Bacon Jam: December 16, 2010
Parfait! Bacon Jam: March 1, 2013
Still unsure of how to serve this? Make a batch this weekend, then check out next Friday’s Parfait! post for two, pretty cool (I think) new applications.
Parfait! Bacon Jam and Wicked Simple Baked Beans: May 27, 2011

Bacon, Maple Roasted: April 11, 2010
Parfait! Maple Roasted Bacon
: August 12, 2011
Parfait! Maple Roasted Bacon, Again!: February 24, 2012
This is so good, it deserves a double repeat!

Barbecued Ribs: April 28, 2010
Pork or beef ribs work nicely, even country-style.

Barbecued Country-Style Ribs: August 12, 2010
Really, the same basic recipe as above, just a different cut of ribs.

Brats ‘n Beer: May 31, 2011

Parfait! Bobaks (Sausages) ‘n Beer: September 23, 2011

Buttermilk Meatballs, my favorite mix: December 8, 2011

Carnitas My Way: February 17, 2011

Chops, Amontillado: October 31, 2012
Lightly seasoned pork chops sautéed in a bit of oil, then finished with fresh ‘shrooms, Dijon mustard, a nice bit of Amontillado sherry, and sour cream.

Chops, Apple (cider) Brined: May 3, 2010
Parfait! (this time made with apple juice): May 6, 2011

Chops, Apple (juice) Dijon: January 25, 2011

Chops, Apple Juice: October 17, 2011

Chops, Beer Teriyaki: October 27, 2010

Chops, Braised: June 13, 2011

Chops, Buttermilk: August 17, 2010
Also including a handy buttermilk substitute recipe!

Chops, with Cherry Cola Sauce: September 15, 2011

Chops, Cider Fried: December 7, 2011
Parfait! Chops, Cider, ermmm Braised: July 5, 2013
A more accurate description of the preparation of these still wickedly tasty and tender chops.

Chops, Gateway: November 27, 2012
I thought these chops, marinated in apple juice with a maple seasoning mix from my favorite spice shop, were wicked tasty; but you could easily substitute your own favorite seasoning blend, and mebbe add a bit of maple syrup (try to get grade b, it’s more flavorful for cooking).

Chops, Hungarian: May 23, 2013

Chops, Kentucky Colonel: June 3, 2010

Chops, Kentucky Colonel: June 29, 2011
Where I kinda actually follow the recipe!

Chops, Maple Syrup Brined: December 22, 2010

Chops, Orange: May 18, 2010

Chops, Oven Fried: March 8, 2012

Chops, Boneless (or Tenderloin), Oven Fried: July 16, 2013
2 boneless pork chops are pounded thin, marinated in buttermilk, then dredged in flour and panko crumbs and baked. Nice; but after that, the two chops – now four paillards, are turned into two very different dinners. First, a riff on the classic Midwestern pork tenderloin sammich, and then, open-faced pork parmesan sammiches with fresh mozzarella and basil from teh garden. Yum.

Parfait! Chops, Sweet ‘n Spicy Panko: September 14, 2012
Good with chicken, mebbe even better with boneless pork chops

Chops, Smothered: January 10, 2012
Parfait! Smothered Chops and Sweet Potato Poutine
: January 20, 2012
I adjusted the gravy recipe a bit, and tried out packaged sweet potato fries. Nice.
Parfait! (again) Chops and Sweet Potato Poutine: May 18, 2012
Still nice, and worthy of trying, tho’ I believe that I do prefer the bone-in chops.

Chops, Ranch-Style Baked: April 25, 2012

Chops, Pineapple Terryaki: November 4, 2013

Ginger Dijon Sausages: January 4, 2011

Green Lentil & Garlic Sausage Cassoulet: October 3, 2012

Ham Quiche: April 19, 2010

Ham Rolls: August 27, 2013
Parfait! Pepperoni Bread: August 30, 2013
The same basic dough as the ham rolls, but filled with deli goodies and shaped into four large loaves. Tasty.

Ham Salad: November 11, 2010
Parfait! Ham Salad
: August 5, 2011

Ham, Sammich, Grilled With Pimiento Cheese and Pineapple: November 21, 2013

Ham Steak, Glazed and Grilled: June 19, 2012
Wondering what to do with that wayward jar of whisky marmalade you picked up who-knows-where? Try this!

Ham (Dinner), Honey Glazed: August 22, 2013
Small, boneless hams need a bit of attention, too!

Ham Steak, René: May 3, 2012
An old-school recipe that still works today – mostly. I would recommend trying my substitutions and additions at the bottom of the post. Still, a nice spring dinner with roasted asparagus and home made mac and cheese.

Kielbasa, Sweet & Sour: October 1, 2012
You could serve this as an appetizer, but I thought it made for a fine dinner, however you choose to use it, think about adding a few fresh basil leaves at the end.

Kielbasa, Vinaigrette: August 28, 2012

Parfait! Linguiça ‘n Beer: June 22, 2012
Set aside your brats and your Italian sausages and prepare yourself for a treat – IF you can find the real deal linguiça. If your market doesn’t carry it, you can always order some from the nice folk at Gaspar’s. Or come over by here on sausage night.

Meatballs: April 14, 2010

Meatloaf, Muffin Tin: October 8, 2013
A nice riff on your traditional meatloaf – made single serve size in a large muffin tin.

Meatloaf (now with Oatmeal!): July 13, 2010
This one is made with ground beef, but you could add ground pork as well.

Meatballs, Potsticker: December 5, 2011
You don’t actually NEED the wrappers – just the dipping sauce.

Meatballs, Tangy: August 16, 2012
Step away from the grape jelly and the packaged ‘meat’ balls – this nicely different recipe works as well for dinner over rice as it will for munchies skewered with one of them there fancy fluted toothpicks.

Penne Pasta Pizza Bake: September 18, 2013
Italian sausage, veggies, cheese, a nice sauce, and pepperoni, freshly sliced from the deli, make for one fine dinner casserole.

Ponzu Sauce Pork: April 24, 2013
Marinated ground pork is sautéed and then enhanced by this nice little sauce.

Pulled Pork: July 14, 2010
Made with boneless pork roast; but you could use pork shoulder

Quiche au Jambon: see Ham Quiche

Quiche Lorraine: April 26, 2011
It’s bacon! It’s cheese! It’s eggs! It’s what’s for brunch!

Ribs, Aloha: May 7, 2013
A work in progress from a mid-century advertisement – but something to consider if you want colorful, but bland, food.
Parfait! Pineapple-Palooza!: May 10, 2013
Aloha ribs with a vastly improved pineapple sauce, plus a nice way to customize packaged yellow rice and, as a bonus! – pineapple barbecue meatballs.

Ribs, Apple Braised with Cherry Barbecue Sauce: October 31, 2011

Ribs, Bourbon Marinated: November 13, 2012

Ribs, with Cherry Coke Sauce: July 16, 2011
Parfait! Ribs with Cherry and Cola Barbecue Sauce: February 22, 2013

Ribs, with Cherry Cola Sauce, Moist Roasted: May 8, 2012
We’ve switched allegiances to Cherry Pepsi, but the real reason for this post was to test a kinda cool new roasting accessory.

Ribs, Country-Style with a Soy and Citrus Sauce: April 10, 2013

Ribs, Cranberry Braised: February 10, 2012
Basically, a cranberry riff on the apple braised ribs – tasty, and great stock!

Ribs, with Espresso, Plum and Chipotle Sauce: June 25, 2013

Ribs, Jalapeño Jelly Barbecue: July 12, 2013
Technically, this is a Parfait! version of the espresso, plum and chipotle ribs above, but this is more than tasty enough to stand on its own.

Roast Pork, Your Basic: February 16, 2011
Sometimes, you don’t need all the fuss – and this is one of those times.

Roast Pork, Buttermilk & Honey Mustard Marinade, Bacon-Wrapped: December 10, 2013

Roast Pork, Don Struble’s: December 14, 2011
Stuffed with garlic, green olives and pepperoni – what’s not to love?

Roast Pork with Honey and Soy Sauce: December 13, 2010

Rustic Pizza: May 28, 2010

Sausage & Apple Stuffed Onions, Grilled: May 29, 2013

(Garlic) Sausage ‘n Peppers ‘n Onions Over Pasta: September 26, 2013
I used Linguiça, but feel free to substitute your own preferred sausage.

Sausage Squares: January 17, 2013
I went all sausage for this batch, one pound each of regular and hot breakfast sausage, but feel free to go mix it up by using half sausage and half ground beef, or chicken, or turkey.

Seaward Inn Pork Chops: December 2, 2010

Spanish Sausage Rice: December 30, 2010

Spicy Meat Pies: March 20, 2013
I used ciabatta dough and filled it with a linguiça-based mixture, but you should use this recipe as a starting point and choose a dough, filling, and egg wash that suits your tastes and needs.

Stew, French?: October 15, 2012
An advertisement from 1969 set me to come up with this stew recipe using some of my own home made Catalina French dressing. Authentically French? Probably not, but still pretty darned tasty.

Swedish Meatballs: February 12, 2011
Beef, pork, breadcrumbs, a touch o’ vermouth, and spices – nice!

Swedish Meatballs, da SAUCE!: February 13, 2011
A tasty, and I gotta believe, healthier alternative to the traditional.

Tenderloin with Apples and Onion: November 9, 2010

Tenderloin, 4 Mustard Roasted: September 18, 2012
The 4 Mustard Sauce was left over from a batch of chicken legs, and worked a treat when slathered over a lovely pork tenderloin. Either way is a winner!

Thai-style Pork Stew: May 27, 2010
The original version can be found here.
Parfait! Thai-Style Pork Stew: March 2, 2012
Truly new and improved! – I’ve removed the peanut butter from the base (don’t worry, you can still stir it into individual bowls, if you like) and added toasted sesame oil and some Aleppo pepper for a bit of smoky flavor. Nice!
Parfait! Thai-Style Pork Stew – with a twist at the end!: February 1, 2013
Still good, and still one of our favorites, but check out the very end of the post…

Vietnamese BBQ Tacos: August 22, 2012
Marinated grilled country style ribs make for one fine taco. Ermmm, or three.

Au Gratin Potatoes: October 2, 2010

Baby Potatoes, Roasted; See:
Parfait! Dinner in an Hour: October 12, 2012
Nigella’s Chicken gets paired with asparagus and baby Yukon Gold potatoes for a fine autumn dinner in next to no time.

Boxty: December 28, 2010
Irish griddle cakes made with mashed and fresh-grated potatoes.

Foil-Packet Grilled Potatoes: July 18, 2011
and their sequel:
Crispy Potato Hash: July 20, 2011

Hasselback Potatoes: January 21, 2011

Mashed Potatoes, Garlic and Buttermilk, in teh ‘Wave: January 21, 2013

My Failed (then saved) Potato Cake: December 10, 2010

Oven Roasted Potatoes, Best! Chip Dip Seasoning: September 19, 2013
A nice riff on ranch-seasoned potatoes using a seasoning blend from my spice merchant.

Parsley Potatoes: March 23, 2011

Pesto Potatoes, Oven Roasted: September 10, 2013

Potatoes, Fried, with Spicy Aioli: July 12, 2012
An interesting riff on warm potato salad. I just wish I had had the duck fat…

Pierogi Casserole: November 7, 2011
Potatoes AND pasta AND cheese AND bacon. Oh, my.

Potato Cakes – THIS is the recipe to use: February 21, 2011
Parfait! Potato Cakes, Best!: January 18, 2013

Potatoes and Cauliflower, Roasted: November 12, 2011

Potato Crust Pizza: September 5, 2011
Different, and gluten-free…

Potato Salad: April 29, 2010
Russet potatoes and a nice buttermilk dressing.
Parfait! Buttermilk Potato Salad: June 3, 2011
This time using Yukon Gold potatoes – still tasty!

Potato Salad with Bacon and Parsley: July 23, 2011

Potato Salad, Grilled With Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato: June 12, 2013
I also added a bit of leftover grilled corn, which got me to thinking about turning this into a Cobb potato salad – I’ll just need to add some blue cheese and mebbe a bit of grilled avocado.

Sweet Potato Fries, Good-For-You, Best!: September 26, 2012

Sweet Potatoes, Grilled ‘n Glazed: May 24, 2011

Sweet Potato Hash: March 14, 2011
Step away from the marshmallows and in to this tasty, tasty side!

Sweet Potatoes and Parsnips: December 1, 2011

Sweet Potato Poutine: January 11, 2012
Parfait! Smothered Chops and Sweet Potato Poutine
: January 20, 2012
Parfait! (again) Chops and Sweet Potato Poutine: May 18, 2012
Still nice, and worthy of trying, tho’ I believe that I do prefer the bone-in chops.

Sweet Potatoes, Soy and Ginger: April 12, 2011

Sweet Potatoes, Spicy Cubed Roasted: December 15, 2011
A nice accompaniment to Don Struble’s Pork Roast.

Sweet Potato Tacos: January 30, 2011
Oven roasted sweet potato slices tossed in a maple syrup, Dijon mustard,
and chili powder glaze.

TOTS. Stuffed with CHEESE. Wrapped in BACON: August 26, 2013
Yeh, they’re tots, but they are also wicked tasty! We had these for a finger-food dinner, but imagine an entire platter at your next gathering. Now, imagine a second platter, ’cause that first one will be gone in a flash!

Cheesy Rice Breakfast Cups: July 9, 2010
Made with leftover rice and stashed in the freezer, this a tasty, homemade
alternative to fast food. Use mini muffin pans and it’s good for cocktails too!

Fried Rice: June 14, 2012

Fried Rice, Vegetarian: October 30, 2012
Sliced ‘shrooms stand in for steak, and I’ve added a pan deglazing step at the end where all those tasty crispity pits on the pan bottom are gathered with a combination of water, soy sauce, and pretty darned decent (but still inexpensive) sherry from Trader Joe’s. Check out the Amontillado.

Kedgeree!… kinda: May 9, 2011
A quick fix using packaged saffron rice, leftover salmon, and frozen green
beans – add some hard cooked eggs and call it breakfast!

Rice and Cheese (or, What to do With the Leftover White Rice From Your Last Chinese Food Order): August 21, 2013

Soubise: February 4, 2011
A tasty mixture of rice and onion, baked, then stirred with a beaten egg
and ‘shroom duxelles for Chicken Orloff.

Spanish Sausage Rice: December 30, 2010

Wild Rice Stuffing with Hot Water Corn Bread: November 30, 2011
HINT: do NOT toast the corn bread.

Yellow Rice: September 14, 2011

Artichoke Salad for Bruschetta: April 4, 2012

Asian (sort of) Salad: February 2, 2011
Ramen noodles and a soy sauce based dressing make for one nice salad.
Asian Salad, Again
: July 5, 2011
Less sugar, less oil, less Ramen – but still wicked tasty!
Parfait! Ramen ‘n Romaine Salad with Tamari Dressing: August 10, 2012

Asparagus Salad, Roasted, with Prosciutto Crisps: April 17, 2012
A lot easier to toss together than it sounds. And the Best! roasting method I’ve tried.

Bean Salad, Lois’, Best!: September 13, 2012
Forget the others, this combination of five beans with a not too, too sweet dressing is a winner. THX to cousin Lois for sharing.

Three Bean Salad: December 12, 2010
If anyone has the Times Style Book – what IS the convention for
organizing with the ‘Three’ – does one consider it to be silent?

Another Three Bean Salad?: August 31, 2011
Yeh – but a little bit different.

Black Bean Salad: September 24, 2010
I’m also listing this under vegetables, just because I can (see intro above).

Parfait! Blueberry Salad with Feta and Dried Cherries: June 21, 2013
Same as the Mshalale salad, but with feta substituted for the string cheese. Still yummy.

Cabbage Salad With Ramen: November 15, 2012
I used the chili flavor seasoning packet to make my dressing and thought it nice, with just a hint of a nip; but if you’d rather err on the side of caution, the chicken flavor would work as well.

Caprese Salad with Roasted Tomatoes: August 28, 2013

Carrot Salad, French: August 28, 2010

Carrot Salad, French: November 21, 2012
Here’s another version of this classic favorite, made quick by using herbs from the spice rack instead of fresh; ’cause I am NOT going to the market the day before Thanksgiving.

Best! French Carrots: December 23, 2012
Shaved carrots as a salad or sliced as a munchie, this is my all-time favorite version the classic French dish. Authentic? Not even a wee, little, tiny bit; but tasty? Youbectha!

Carrot, Grapefruit, and Ginger Salad: September 1, 2011

Chickpea and Artichoke Salad: May 24, 2012
Nice. The Dijon vinaigrette’s not too, too bad, either.

Chickpeas, Marinated: May 30, 2011

Cole Slaw, The Best!: January 4, 2012
Parfait! Cole Slaw, The Best!: February 15, 2013

Corn and Bean Salad: August 9, 2011

Couscous, Salad: June 5, 2013
Made with larger Israeli (or Pearl) couscous. Very nice.

Cucumber Salad: May 15, 2010

Cucumber Salad, Best!: April 10, 2012
Simple, fast and easy to make, but Oh! so good.

Deviled Egg Salad Mold: May 1, 2011
Salad or munchie spread on crackers; it’s your call.

Eggplant Napoleons: October 20, 2010
Could be a salad; could be a side dish – either way it’s mightyfine!

French Carrot Salad: August 28, 2010

Fruit Salad, Thai Style: September 6, 2012

Green Goddess Green Beans: October 18, 2010
This actually tastes quite a bit like potato salad, so get your good-for-you
green veggies and satisfy your taste for ‘taters.

Jardinière Salad: July 27, 2010
A macaroni salad of a different color!
Parfait! Jardinière Salad: June 15, 2012
Still a tasty salad, made with new and improved French dressing and a box of mac and cheese from Trader Joe’s.

Jello Salad: April 25, 2011
Orange Jello, pineapple Jello, shredded carrot, and apple juice – all tossed
into a mold and formed into a true thing o’ beauty! Ermmm, or not…

Kielbasa Vinaigrette: August 28, 2012
Serve this as a munchie, or as a savory salad on crisp romaine, it’s good either way. And the extra vinaigrette? That’s a bonus, baby!

Kimchi: September 25, 2010
It’s a salad, it’s a condiment, it’s a munchie – TRY it!

Korean-Style Romaine: March 28, 2011
Less fussy to toss together than the kimchi – but every bit as good!

Lentil-Spinach Salad with a Dried Cherry Vinaigrette: February 27, 2012
The bacon and blue cheese are lovely additions, too!

Macaroni Salad: June 24, 2010
Parfait! Macaroni Salad
: June 10, 2011
Parfait! 2 Day Pasta Salad: June 29, 2012

Mshalale Salad with Blueberries: April 19, 2012
Blueberries, toasted pita bread, and Middle Eastern string cheese; all dressed up with a nice lemon vinaigrette.
Parfait! Blueberry Salad with Feta and Dried Cherries: June 21, 2013
Same salad, but with feta substituted for the string cheese. Still yummy.

Napa Cabbage Salad: October 3, 2010
A slightly different take on cole slaw.

Napa Cabbage Salad With Jalapeño Dressing: May 7, 2013

Panzanella Salad, Grilled: June 3, 2013

Panzanella Salad, Pita: May 7, 2012
Stoopidly simple to make, but OH! so good.

Pea Salad: December 3, 2013
Thawed frozen peas, fresh scallion and radishes tossed in a bit of olive oil and white wine vinegar. Nice, but better after I shaved a bit of good cheese into it.

Potatoes, Fried, with Spicy Aioli: July 12, 2012
An interesting riff on warm potato salad. I just wish I had had the duck fat…

Potato Salad: April 29, 2010
Russet potatoes and a nice buttermilk dressing.
Parfait! Buttermilk Potato Salad
: June 3, 2011
This time using Yukon Gold potatoes – still tasty!
Potato Salad, No Boil: May 8, 2013
Potato Salad, Grilled With Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato: June 12, 2013
I also added a bit of leftover grilled corn, which got me to thinking about turning this into a Cobb potato salad – I’ll just need to add some blue cheese and mebbe a bit of grilled avocado.

Quinoa Tabbouleh: August 15, 2012
Just a little bit of mint makes the flavor of this gluten-free version of the classic.
Parfait! Quinoa Tabbouleh: May 17, 2013

Roasted Artichoke Hearts: November 24, 2010
It’s an appetizer, it’s a salad…
Artichoke Salad for Bruschetta: April 4, 2012
This is a lovely salad on its own – but place it on top of some lightly toasted French bread with a bit of really good cheese, and it approaches wicked good status.

Roasted Beet Salad: November 29, 2010
Simple, tasty (even if you don’t like beets), and OH! so pretty.
Parfait! Roasted Beet Salad with Sanford House Dressing
: November 25, 2011

Russian Salad: December 4, 2012
Cooked potatoes, asparagus, and whatever other veggies you like, all tossed in a fine Russian dressing and served with romaine. Nice.

Shrimp Salad: May 5, 2012
I made this as a salad, but you could easily serve more shrimp on less lettuce as an appetizer – or mebbe even in a nice roll as a sammich – it’s all good.

Southern Panzanella Salad: September 11, 2010
Corn bread and veggies with a lemon vinaigrette.

Spinach Salad with Brown Butter Dressing: January 12, 2011

Spinach, Salad With Citrus Dressing and Then Sautéed: April 9, 2013

Spinach Salad With Strawberries, Candied Pecans, and Lemon-Poppyseed Dressing: June 28, 2013

Spring Spinach Salad: April 23, 2011

Summer Squash Carpaccio: August 11, 2010
You WANT to make this salad!
Parfait! Summer Squash Carpaccio
: July 8, 2011

Sweet Chili Noodle Salad: March 15, 2012
A refreshingly different take on a ‘pasta’ salad – and gluten free, if you use the right kind of miso in place of the soy sauce!

Thai Fruit Salad: September 6, 2012
Parfait! Thai Fruit Salad: April 5, 2013

Tomato, Corn, and Scallion Salad: July 10, 2012
A nice way to use up any leftover roasted corn, and if you are lucky enough to have a plentiful garden, tomatoes. *sigh* I have four hard, green tomatoes on the deck just now.

Tortilla Salad: January 24, 2013
Made my way – without the deep-fat-fried anything – but still quite tasty.

Winter Fruit Salad: January 24, 2011

I find myself with more and more postings for these, so thought it high time they had a heading all their own, tho’ they may still be listed under SAUCES etc. as well. WHY? Because I can.

Another Garlic Dressing: June 16, 2010
Still a work in progress, but I think I’m getting closer to my goal.

Blue Cheese Dressing: December 14, 2010
A simpler (no shallots required) recipe than the contessa’s blue cheese and dip below,
but well worth tossing together the night before you want a tasty bit o’
moldy cheese goodness on your greens.

Blue Cheese Dressing, Best!: August 8, 2013
A slight tweak turns a good dressing into a great dressing – with two routes to blue cheese goodness! The first, is good from the get-go – perfect when you’ve forgotten to make the dressing (or dip) before dinner or a gathering. The second route builds on the first, but requires at least a few hours to rest in the fridge to allow the flavors to build. Try both routes, you won’t be sorry.

Blue Cheese/Yogurt Dip: November 25, 2010
Great, chunky dip, INCREDIBLE salad dressing.

Brown Derby French Dressing: January 8, 2013
Another (tasty) take on an old favorite – and pretty simple to toss together, too.

Catalina French Dressing: December 20, 2010
YES – this is a homemade take on that tangy bottle o’ goodness from the
market. Ermmm, which I no longer have to buy  😉
Parfait! Tante Marie’s Catalina French Dressing: June 15, 2012
An updated version; surprisingly mild.

Celery Seed Dressing: June 10, 2013
My take on a Midwestern classic – just take my advice and cut the sugar down to two tablespoons.

Creamy Italian Dressing: January 13, 2011

(Another) French Dressing: January 24, 2013
Not too, too different from all the other French dressings here, mebbe just a wee, tiny bit spicier to go with the tortilla salad theme.

French Dressing (and variations): July 30, 2010
This is the CLASSIC – not a reproduction of the jarred stuff.

French Dressing, the Brown Derby version: January 8, 2013
Another (tasty) take on an old favorite – and pretty simple to toss together, too.

French Dressing, the version with honey: February 6, 2013

French Dressing, Western: September 5, 2013
A dash of spicy-sweet barbecue sauce mixes things up a bit in this tasty little variation on my everyday French dressing.

French Dressing, Western, Best!: December 5, 2013
Home made chili sauce and all fresh ingredients are the way to go.

Fresh French Dressing: August 30, 2011
Here’s an option. Not one of my favorites, but options are a good thing.

Garlic Dressing: November 15, 2011
I called this Best! when I posted it, but this version with roasted garlic is truly the Best!

Great Caesar’s Dressing!: February 15, 2011
Lotsa garlic, and ripe olives and capers in lieu of the anchovies – NICE!

Honey Mustard: February 8, 2011
This makes a nice dip, salad dressing, or a glaze; try it using your own
preferred combination of mustard, honey and vinegar.

Best! Honey Mustard: December 18, 2012
I like this version better than the one above – mebbe because I started out by making my own mustard, or mebbe because the mayonnaise mellows things out so nicely.

Honey (yes-I-know-ANOTHER) French Dressing: February 6, 2013

Imperial French Dressing: August 18, 2011

Italian Oil and Vinegar Dressing: July 11, 2012
Use this blend as a guide and customize to suit your own tastes – you’re only limited by your spice merchant. What? You don’t have a spice merchant? Get one! I really like the folk at The Spice House in Milwaukee; but I can drive up and smell my way through the jars. You really should explore options in your area, tho’, in a pinch, my guys do mail order.

Mischa’s Italian Salad Dressing: July 31, 2012
I started with a couple of vinegars and the spice blend from the Italian Oil and Vinegar Dressing post above, then played around to come up with this dressing more than worthy of a feast. It also works quite nicely as a marinade for meat or chicken.

Italian Salad Dressing: October 8, 2012
Yet another version, with the added bonus of a guide to making your own Italian Seasoning Blend. I really like swapping out half the vinegar for fresh lemon juice, try it and see if you don’t agree.

Parsley and Garlic Dressing: May 18, 2011
Bright, creamily green and OH! so snappy! Try it, you’ll like it 😉

Poppy Seed Salad Dressing: January 23, 2011
Parfait! Poppy Seed Salad Dressing
: January 13, 2012
Parfait! Poppy Seed Dressing: June 28, 2013

Poppy Seed Sauce for Fruit: May 5, 2010
Really, when you think of it, this is a dressing.

Another Take on the Poppy Seed Sauce: September 21, 2010
Switch out the lemon yogurt for honey-mango and you’re all good.

Ranch Dressing, Best!: July 1, 2013

Roasted Garlic Dressing, Best!: December 23, 2011
It’s also a Parfait!

Russian Dressing, Spicy: September 19, 2012
An interesting assortment of ingredients compelled me to try this recipe – and it really is pretty tasty – even if you go the dairy-free route as did I. This time.

Russian Dressing, Spicy, More Better: December 3, 2012
I revisited the dressing above, this time using fresh, home made mayonnaise, and regular sour cream. How was it? Terrific! You NEED to try this salad dressing.

Sanford House Dressing: March 19, 2011
Yet ANOTHER riff on French dressing – but I am all about the options.
Parfait! Roasted Beet Salad with Sanford House Dressing
: November 25, 2011
After a very pleasant email exchange with a very nice lady (hi, Sara!) from the Sanford House, I decided to revisit the dressing and kinda, sorta, follow the recipe!

Sesame Dressing: October 31, 2013
Sesame oil(s) and seeds combine to make for a fine, fast, and tasty salad dressing.

Southwestern Ranch Dressing: May 14, 2013
Add a bit more milk (or even buttermilk!) and this’d be a fine salad dressing, too.

Spiced Dressing: November 20, 2010
Why buy bottled when you can make your own? It really is a toss-up for
me between this and the Catalina.

Tamari and Rice Vinegar Dressing: August 10, 2012
Top your salad with some toasted ramen and this dressing, and mebbe a bit of sliced chicken breast, and you have yourself one fine bowl o’ greens.

Thousand Island Dressing: May 28, 2011
A classic bit of creamy goodness – try it with a bit of the blue cheese
dressing, too, on your salad. Don’t judge, it’s good!

Another Thousand Island Dressing: August 6, 2011
I REALLY like this version.

Parfait! The Best! Thousand Island Dressing: April 27, 2012
No capers? No problem! And a bit of crème fraîche adds a nice bit of richness to mellow out the bit of spiciness.
Parfait! New! Improved! Best! Thousand Island Dressing: April 12, 2013
Yeh… extra lemon juice and a bit of freeze-dried shallot… Nice.

White French Dressing: October 22, 2011

Aioli, with Chipotle: February 25, 2013
This tasty garlicky spread does have just a little bit of mayo in it, but the base is actually Greek-style yogurt!

Allioli with Cumin and Roasted Red Pepper: June 4, 2012
I went a bit heavy on the garlic for this Spanish-inspired version of the French classic, but it was all good.

Aioli with Sriracha: October 29, 2013

Another Garlic Dressing: June 16, 2010
Still a work in progress, but I think I’m getting closer to my goal.

Bacon Jam: December 16, 2010
Parfait! Bacon Jam
: May 27, 2011
And a bonus application – turn plain old canned baked beans into something special!

Boom Boom Sauce: May 16, 2013
Cheese-y peppery goodness to serve with nachos, chips, or even on a nicely grilled steak(!) – the possibilities truly are endless.

My Barbecue Sauce: April 18, 2010
Parfait! Barbecue Sauce: May 25, 2012
A fine way to begin the summer; I always have some of this sauce on hand. Good on chicken, pork, beef, and grilled fish. Just mebbe don’t wear white when you make it.
Parfait! ‘Sup! and THE Barbecue Sauce: May 24, 2013
A nicely spiced ketchup, made from ingredients you know and trust is always a good thing. Turn around and turn that nice batch o’ ‘sup! into enough of my FAVORITE barbecue sauce to see us through the first part of summer, and I’d call that WINNING!

Béchamel Sauce: February 13, 2012
The classic little white sauce for just about any occasion.

Best! Doctored Pasta Sauce: August 27, 2012

Black Horse Sauce: October 21, 2010
Who knew homemade mayonnaise was THIS simple?

Blue Cheese Dressing: December 14, 2010
A simpler (no shallots required) recipe than the contessa’s dip below,
but well worth tossing together the night before you want a tasty bit o’
moldy cheese goodness on your greens.

Blue Cheese/Yogurt Dip: November 25, 2010
Great, chunky dip, INCREDIBLE salad dressing.

Brandied Cherries: December 6, 2012

Buttermilk: September 16, 2010
I use this emergency substitute so much that I thought it should have it’s
own entry.

Buttermilk Marinade for Chicken or Chops: July 26, 2011

Curried Buttermilk Marinade for Chicken or Chops: September 3, 2011
Yeh – this one is nice! Live it a bit large and try some.

Carolina-Style Mustard Barbecue Sauce: August 1, 2012
I used basic yellow mustard and grilled boneless pork chops this time; but imagine a nice, coarse-ground Dijon (or mebbe that wasabi-like Trader Joe’s smooth Dijon) mix over chicken or lamb! Yum.

Catalina French Dressing: December 20, 2010
YES – this is a home made take on that tangy bottle o’ goodness from the
market. Ermmm, which I no longer have to buy  😉

Chef’s Secret Sauce: October 8, 2010
A vintage recipe that, I think, offers a lot of possibilities.

Cherry Jam, Forgiving: August 29, 2012
Even if you screw up the directions and cut out half of the sugar (as did I), this will give you a very nice little pot o’ jam.

Chile Sauce, Green: September 23, 2010
A meat filled, slightly spicy sauce for Huevos Rancheros or – as I’m
planning – a tasty topping for grilled hot dogs.

Chile Sauce, New Mexican, Red: February 13, 2013
There’s chili sauce and there’s chile sauce (and even then, there’s red and/or green chile sauce). You’ll want to make this your go-to home made red sauce for all your taco/enchilada/Southwestern/Latin American cooking endeavors.

Chili Sauce: October 29, 2012
My take on an old-line classic is kinda nice on eggs or in a stew, but just wait until you make your own Cocktail Sauce with it! Wicked good, indeed.
Parfait! Chili Sauce: December 6, 2013
New! Improved! Now with extra vinegar, more jalapeño, and garlic!

Chili Sauce, New York(ish) Style: July 3, 2013
This spicy sauce is loaded with beef and onion and black beans, and will, I believe, be very popular spooned over hot dogs or sausages. For a less zippy option, check out green chile sauce.

Chipotle Aioli: February 25, 2013
This tasty garlicky spread does have just a little bit of mayo in it, but the base is actually Greek-style yogurt!

Chop Pickle: December 12, 2011
A version of giardiniera you can keep for more than a couple of weeks. Don’t fret over the ‘spicy’ in the post headline – six serrano peppers only added a bit of flavor – even for folk who don’t do spicy. If you really want spicy – I’d suggest adding an even dozen.
Parfait! Ciao! Piccolo: March 30, 2012
My latest version – this time with jalapeños, seeds and all! Nice.
Parfait! Ciao! Piccolo: March 29, 2013
I make this tasty chopped pickle several times a year – we like it on grilled sausages, but my sister and her buds enjoy it as a chip dipper, so you go ahead and do what you like.

Cocktail Sauce, Wicked Good: December 20, 2011
If you have the right kind of Dijon mustard, you don’t even need horseradish!
The BEST! (REALLY!) Cocktail Sauce: November 20, 2012
Take a Wicked Good sauce and make it even better with your own, home made ‘sup! and chili sauce. Oh, and lots of fresh lemon juice and horseradish. Yum.

Cranberry Chipotle Sauce: November 27, 2010

Cranberry Relish: November 14, 2010
Reaching across 28 years from another November 14 Sunday in 1982 –
Julia Child’s recipe is, to me, still the one to beat.
Parfait! Cranberry Relish
: November 18, 2011
Cranberry Relish, Best!: November 7, 2012
Give Thanks this year with your own, home made cranberry sauce and start a tradition.
Parfait! Cranberry Relish: November 22, 2013
Yep, well and truly sauced cranberries again, but this time, I’ve canned them so they are shelf-stable until needed.

Parfait! Cranberry Relish (but not Julia’s): March 9, 2012
Not quite the classic – but a nice way to use up leftover canned veggies

Creamy Italian Dressing: January 13, 2011

Crème Fraiche: January 23, 2012

Dry Rub for Ribs: September 26, 2011
Parfait! Rib Rub and Cranberry Braised Ribs: February 10, 2012

Dulce de Leche (Crockpot Caramel): December 19, 2013

French Dressing (and variations): July 30, 2010
This is the CLASSIC – not a reproduction of the jarred stuff.

Garlic-Ginger Paste: May 15, 2012
A MUST HAVE for Baby Corn Manchurian, and just think of the possibilities in other recipes – Thai Pork Stew, anyone?

Garlic Pasta Sauce: January 7, 2013
Sautéed garlic, olive oil, and fresh chopped parsley come together to make One. Fine. Pasta Sauce. Add your pasta of choice, a bit of good Parmesan, and a dusting of your best black pepper (Tellicherry, in this house), and you have yourself a pretty darned tasty dinner. I had some shrimp laying about that were quite nice in the sauce, too.

Garlic-Pepper Sauce, Spicy: February 23, 2012
Try this in place of cocktail sauce.

Garlic Oil: December 31, 2010

Giardiniera: September 19, 2011
A classic Chicago condiment! Check it out and enjoy a bit o’ the best from the city of the big shoulders.
Parfait! Ciao! Piccolo: March 30, 2012
A different take – but one that can be canned at home! Cauliflower, peppers and such, all nicely pickled and packed into jars for your pleasure.

Ginger Juice: May 15, 2012
So simple, I am kind of ashamed I had to research how to make it. Scroll down to the bottom of the Garlic-Ginger Paste post.

Gordita Sauce: March 19, 2012
Tasty with chicken or beef but surprisingly nice on a salad. Think of it as a Southwestern Thousand Island.

Next! Gordita (Style) Sauce: November 28, 2012
Another take on the above, starting with a bit of Chip Dip Seasoning from my favorite spice merchants. Don’t have your own favorite spice merchant? Get one! Or, feel free to use mine. Or, as a last resort, use a bit of Ranch mix.

Great Caesar’s Dressing!: February 15, 2011
Lotsa garlic, and ripe olives and capers in lieu of the anchovies – NICE!

Green Chile Sauce: September 23, 2010
A meat filled, slightly spicy sauce for Huevos Rancheros or – as I’m
planning – a tasty topping for grilled hot dogs.

Hoisin Sauce: November 1, 2011
DON’T BUY THAT JAR at the market! This is simple to make, and SO. MUCH. BETTER.

Hollandaise Sauce, Blender: March 27, 2013

Honey Mustard: February 8, 2011
This makes a nice dip, salad dressing, or a glaze; try it using your own
preferred combination of mustard, honey and vinegar.

Best! Honey Mustard: December 18, 2012
I like this version better than the one above – mebbe because I started out by making my own mustard, or mebbe because the mayonnaise mellows things out so nicely.
(Another) Best! Honey Mustard: August 15, 2013
Who knew there were so many honey mustard options?!? This version is easily on a par with my made-from-scratch version above, and may be just a wee, tiny bit better! Made (in minutes) from jars of stuff you probably have in the cupboard anyway, this honey mustard should be on a shelf in your fridge.

Horseradish Sauce: June 15, 2010
Parfait! Best! Horseradish Sauce: October 5, 2012
Who knew that adjusting measurements to make an already good recipe a little less fussy to put together would yield such very good results? Check it out and see if you don’t agree.

Horseradish-less Sauce: August 1, 2011
For those times when you want it, but don’t have any horseradish about.

Italian Oil and Vinegar Dressing: July 11, 2012
Use this blend as a guide and customize to suit your own tastes.

Jerk Sauce, Jamaican-Style: July 17, 2013
Authentic? Heck no! But it is based on a couple of authentic recipes, and comments on those recipes, and rebuttals to those comments. So… in the end, I just made it up out of basic ingredients and added others that I thought would work. It does.

Ketchup: January 16, 2012
Parfait! ‘sup!: November 23, 2012
Same, great ketchup as before, but with the spiced toned down just a little bit to suit more tastes, and the ingredients scaled up to yield a very respectable 15 pints.
Parfait! ‘Sup! and THE Barbecue Sauce: May 24, 2013
A nicely spiced ketchup, once again rescaled – this time to fit an average kitchen’s stock pot – made from ingredients you know and trust is always a good thing. Turn around and turn that nice batch o’ ‘sup! into enough of my FAVORITE barbecue sauce to see you through at least the first part of summer, and I’d call that WINNING!

Kimchi: September 25, 2010
It’s a salad, it’s a condiment, it’s a munchie – TRY it!

Linguiça Sauce: July 28, 2011

Mango Salsa: April 15, 2010

Maple Mustard Barbecue: January 15, 2013
I stuffed, rolled, breaded, then baked chicken breasts with this, but this marinade and sauce would be fine for grilled chicken filets as well; and I might not say no to thinning the sauce and using it as a mop on the grill for chicken or pork.

Marinara: April 23, 2012

Marinara, Fast: December 16, 2013

Marshmallow Fluff: April 9, 2011

Mayonnaise: July 5, 2012
This is one nifty (and fast) little number, and egg-less to boot!

Mayonnaise, Classic: December 3, 2012
Yeh, so THIS mayonnaise has eggs, but it’s also dairy free; and, as it happens, pretty darned nifty used on its own, or, as did I, as the base for a very nice Russian dressing.

Mayonnaise, Kalamata Olive and Roasted Garlic: May 27, 2013
The steaks in this post aren’t too, too bad, either.

Mustard, Basic: December 10, 2012
Your own, home made mustard is mebbe ten minutes, and a little resting time, away! Use it as is, or as the base for the mustard options below.

Mustard, Ginger Sweet Curry: December 10, 2012
Don’t let the ingredients fool you – this tasty little blend will go as well on a ham sammich as it will used as a schmear with your favorite Asian-style munchie.

Mustard, Pineapple: July 17, 2012
Spicy sweet, and oh! so easy to toss together. If you don’t care to make your own Cajun-inspired seasoning blend, by all means use your store bought favorite. It’s all good.

Mustard, Yellow: November 5, 2013
Another take on basic mustard – replacing the cooking time with a two-day soak.

Orange Marmalade: December 9, 2011
I listed it as a Parfait! recipe, but it really is a bit different from the Clementine version.

Parma Rosa Pasta Sauce: April 3, 2011

Peach Barbecue Sauce: August 2, 2011

Pepper Relish, New England Style: July 16, 2012
Sweet, and just a wee but spicy (tho’ you can certainly adjust that to your tastes), this is a wonderful topping for burgers, but also works surprisingly well with nicely seasoned meats wrapped in bread or pastry wrappers. Do check out the Jewel Roll version, coming July 20, 2012.

Pesto: June 28, 2010

Pesto, Basil and Walnut: August 14, 2013

Pesto, Parsley and Pistachio: December 18, 2013
There’s a bit o’ the basil in this as well.

Pistou: September 17, 2013
Think ‘pesto’ but without the nuts. I think I may actually prefer my basil-based garlicky sauce thing-y this way now.

Plum Jam: August 13, 2012
Plums, lemon juice and sugar are all you’ll need. A nice little put-up for breakfast, Thumbprint Cookies, or…

Plum Sauce: August 13, 2012
Forget about buying a jar of that corn-sweetened stuff at the market; this is the real deal!
Parfait! Plum Sauce: October 4, 2013

Ponzu Sauce Pork: April 24, 2013
Marinated ground pork is sautéed and then enhanced by this nice little sauce, then stuffed into tasty Chinese-style buns.

Poppy Seed Salad Dressing: January 23, 2011

Poppy Seed Sauce for Fruit: May 5, 2010
Don’t care for poppy seeds? Check out this version with celery seed, and, as a bonus, three other tasty dips and spreads.

Another Take on the Poppy Seed Sauce: September 21, 2010
Switch out the lemon yogurt for honey-mango and you’re all good – or
you can just skip to the bottom of my post on buzzyfoods shopping

Potsticker Sauce: July 26, 2012
Simple to toss together and oh! so good; try it as a dipping sauce with Potsticker Meatballs.

Puttanesca: June 21, 2012
I am not a fan of the oily little fish at the heart of this sauce, but if you are, this could be the recipe for you. With apologies to Rachael Ray.

Ranch Dressing, Best!: July 1, 2013

Rémoulade Sauce: May 30, 2012
A nice option to traditional tartar sauce on fish, but go wild and try some on roasted veggies and/or beef! It is ALL good.

Roasted Garlic Salad Dressing, Best!: December 23, 2011
Yeh, you can make it without roasting the garlic, but trust me – you WANT the roasted garlic.

Roux (and White Sauce) in the ‘Wave: May 4, 2012
With the added bonus recipe of a macaroni and cheese in progress.

Rhubarb Chutney: May 13, 2010

Sherry Peppers Sauce: September 30, 2013
A spicy sweet blend of not too exotic ingredients that will become more and more a regular part of most of your meals.

Southwestern Ranch Dressing (and Easy Fish Tacos!): May 14, 2013
Add a bit more milk (or even buttermilk!) and this’d be a fine salad dressing, too.

Special Sauce: March 25, 2011

Spiced Dressing: November 20, 2010
Why buy bottled when you can make your own?

Steak and Chop Marinade: July 24, 2010
Parfait! THE Marinade for Lamb Chops: June 8, 2012
Put away the mint jelly, this marinade, and mebbe a dab o’ rémoulade or horseradish sauce is all you need. Ermmm, I wouldn’t say no to a bit of Allioli, either.

Steak ‘n Ring Sauce, REALLY Tasty: February 17, 2012
So, yeh, I make mine with home made barbecue sauce and ketchup – but I BOUGHT the mustard! (I had a coupon).

Strawberry-Port Wine Jam: December 12, 2012

Sweet and Sour Sauce, Indian: May 14, 2012
A handy little condiment to have when you set about to making Indo-Chinese cuisine.

Tartar Sauce: April 27, 2010

Parfait! Tartar Sauce: August 19, 2011

Teriyaki Marinade/Sauce: October 27, 2010
This recipe is for grilled pork chops, but the sauce recipe is good, too.

Teriyaki Sauce: March 30, 2011
I dunno – I think I prefer this teriyaki to the one from October – try ‘em both
and decide for yourself!

Terryaki Sauce: August 5, 2013
My new fave! Check out this Pineapple Terryaki version with just a bit of a bite!

Tomato Relish, Warm, with Peppers and Garlic: April 12, 2012
Try this in place of cocktail sauce with your shrimp or squid – or add some nice ripe olives, a few veggies, and mebbe a bit of anchovy, and make yourself a sammich inspired by the nice folk in Provence.

Tomatoes, Afternoon Delight: July 5, 2012
Parfait! Afternoon Delight Tomatoes: September 21, 2012

Tomatoes, Roasted, Best!: April 26, 2012
Faster to toss together, and, truthfully, even better than Afternoon Delight Tomatoes, in my not-so-humble opinion.

Tomato Sauce: April 22, 2010
The red sauce for Lasagna a la Francaise, but good on its own.

Vietnamese Dipping Sauce: August 21, 2012

Vietnamese (ish) Sauce and Marinade for Pork: April 23, 2013
You’ll also want to make the Ponzu sauce.

Watermelon Pickle: July 19, 2012
Sweet, as one would expect; but mebbe too sweet? I may make another try, with a few changes, but there is still time before Thanksgiving.

White Barbecue Sauce: June 27, 2013
For chicken or…

White French Salad Dressing: October 22, 2011

White Sauce (and Roux) in the ‘Wave: May 4, 2012

White Wine Onion Sauce: April 22, 2010
The white sauce for Lasagna a la Francaise, but good on its own.

Calamari, Salt and Pepper: December 21, 2011
A touch on the salty side for me, but a worthy first try with my new deep fryer.

Calamari, Tempura: April 11, 2012
Much more better than the Salt and Pepper Calamari – but Rich thought the tempura batter too puffy. *sigh* Well, I liked it.

Clam Chowder (the easy way): May 31, 2012
So, yes; I cheat and use canned clams, but the rest of this chowder is made from scratch, and has all the flavor to prove it. Making the roux in the ‘wave is also a very good thing.

Cornpatch Clam Bake: February 14, 2012
A ‘found’ recipe from the depths of mid 20th century canned food cuisine. Don’t try this at home – or – if you do, don’t blame me.

Gentleman’s Relish: June 11, 2012
As it happens, I just do not care for anchovies, but if you do – or, if you are fond of blues, or other oily fishes – you may very well enjoy this spread on buttered bread or a cracker. More power to you.

Gingered Mahi Mahi: January 5, 2010

Kedgeree!… kinda: May 9, 2011
A quick fix using packaged saffron rice, leftover salmon, and frozen green
beans – add some hard cooked eggs and call it breakfast!

Langostinos, Sherry Peppers Garlic Sauce: December 30, 2013

Mussels in Garlic and White Wine: March 7, 2013
One of my favorite meals, and ready in next to no time.

Pimiento Tuna Penne: January 14, 2011

Pineapple Mustard Glazed Swordfish: November 15, 2010

Salmon, Apple and Dijon Glazed: February 1, 2011

Salmon, Baked: February 22, 2012
Simple, fast, lovely.

Salmon, Baked With Toasted Pecan Relish: January 12, 2012

Salmon, Barbecued: August 10, 2010
It was SUPPOSED to be on the grill, but someone was out of propane.

Salmon, Cedar Plank Grilled: June 4, 2011

Salmon Croquettes: January 25, 2012
I thought I’d found a recipe calling for fresh salmon. Turns out I was wrong.
Still kinda tasty, though – just a touch crunchy.

Salmon, Death’s Door on a Plank: June 28, 2012
Still on a cedar plank, but a lot less brown sugar and, I think, much more better flavor than the very nice version above.

Salmon, Honey Mustard: February 9, 2011

Salmon, Honey Mustard and Stuff: March 28, 2012
A bit of honey, some spicy mustard and some melted butter, yes; but THEN, a topping of home made breadcrumbs, freshly chopped parsley, and sunflower seeds. MUCH more better, I think.

Salmon, Honey-Soy: December 29, 2010

Salmon, Maple Glazed: January 16, 2011
With the cedar plank or without, this is tasty!

Salmon, Sweet Chili Glazed: July 11, 2010
Parfait Feature: April 22, 2011

Scallops and Shrimp, Garlic Stir-Fry: April 8, 2013
Try a sweet-ish red wine, or perhaps an Amontillado, I think you’ll be happy with the results.

Sesame Ginger Ahi Tuna: April 1, 2011

Sesame Shrimp Kebabs: June 25, 2010

Shrimp & Chorizo Quesadillas: January 31, 2013

Shrimp Enchiladas: August 16, 2010

Shrimp, in Garlic Pasta Sauce: January 7, 2013
Sautéed garlic, olive oil, and fresh chopped parsley come together to make One. Fine. Pasta Sauce. Add your pasta of choice, a bit of good Parmesan, and a dusting of your best black pepper (Tellicherry, in this house), and you have yourself a pretty darned tasty dinner. I had some shrimp laying about that were quite nice, too.

Shrimp, Garlic Roasted: March 19, 2013
Jumbo shrimp makes a fine dinner, but these would be a tasty munchie to pass at a party.

Shrimp, Jerk Marinade, for Tacos and…: September 24, 2013

Shrimp, Pickled: May 30, 2013

Shrimp, and Cabbage Stir Fry with Ponzu Sauce: June 24, 2013

Shrimp Salad, Spiced: June 5, 2012
I made this as a salad, but you could easily serve more shrimp on less lettuce as an appetizer – or mebbe even in a nice roll as a sammich – it’s all good.

Shrimp Salad, the contessa’s: August 2, 2012
More of a classic, mellow East Coast shrimp salad. Great on toasted challah.

Squid Bit Tempura: April 11, 2012
Much more better than the Salt and Pepper Calamari – but Rich thought the tempura batter too puffy. *sigh* Well, I liked it.

Swordfish, Indonesian Grilled: October 12, 2011

Tuna Auruduci: April 30, 2011
Don’t let the fancy name fool you – this is a simple (and simply
FANTASTIC) way to prepare a couple of nice chunks o’ tuna.

Tuna Salad, Curried: September 12, 2012
Terrific in a sammich, and not too, too shabby on a cracker; try this slightly different take on tuna today!
Parfait! Tuna Salad, Curried: October 22, 2013
A dab less of the sweet and dill relishes, a bit of added Ciao! Piccolo, and, just mebbe, an extra hit of curry powder makes for one, fine batch o’ tuna.
Tuna Dip/Spread for a Party: November 13, 2013
Yep – the curried tuna salad, made with fresh aioli and the pickle and cheese pulled out and served on the side, makes for one fine party munchie. Works well on a cracker, and you really should try it in lettuce or endive leaves.

Tuna Steak, Basic Grilled: July 30, 2011

Tuna Steak, Dalmation Style: July 3, 2011

Tuna Steak, Jalapeño-Mustard Grilled: September 21, 2011

Tuna Steak, Terryaki Marinated Grilled: August 6, 2013

Tuna Steak, Vietnamese(?) Marinaded: January 23, 2013

Tuna Steak, Wine Seller’s: November 8, 2011
Good, but I would stick with Auruduci

Bacon and Potato Soup: December 6, 2011

Cauliflower Soup with Cheese and Prosciutto: January 17, 2012
Rich and creamy, with no cream needed.

Chili, 3-Bean: October 23, 2012
A fine, basic chili.

Chili, Black Bean and Espresso: April 13, 2010
Even after telling some folks it was meatless, they insisted it wasn’t.
Parfait! Black Bean and Espresso Chili
: September 30, 2011

Clam Chowder (the easy way): May 31, 2012
So, yes; I cheat and use canned clams, but the rest of this chowder is made from scratch, and has all the flavor to prove it. Making the roux in the ‘wave is also a very good thing.

Corn Stock: November 27, 2013
Don’t toss those lightly nibbled on corn cobs – turn ’em into tasty stock first!

Ham and Potato Soup: December 4, 2013

Hot and Sour Soup: October 7, 2010
This is the soup for which I save the braising stock from my barbecued ribs.

Martha’s French Onion Soup: December 26, 2010

Onion Soup Gratinée: April 26, 2010

Onion Soup: January 3, 2013

Red Curry Pumpkin Soup: April 13, 2011

Santa Fe Chicken Soup: February 27, 2011

Spinach and Meatball Soup: December 4, 2010
Italian Wedding Soup by another name – with just a few little tweaks 😉

Stuffed Pepper Soup: May 26, 2011

Tomato Basil Soup: August 21, 2010
A work in progress – but worth trying.

Another Tomato Soup: October 10, 2010
Based on canned soups and vegetable juice, this is FAST, but tasty,
and a nice change from the old standby.
Parfait! Tomato Soup: April 20, 2012
Yeh, it’s all from cans and bottles, but how nice on a cold, gray day!

Tomato Soup Substitute: October 17, 2013
Who knew it was this simple to kick the can? Try this substitute and say ‘so long’ to the stuff in the red and white cans.

Tom Kha Kai Soup: October 4, 2012
Thai-style coconut curry chicken soup makes for a fine lunch or dinner.

Turkey Stock: November 30, 2010
The last of your Thanksgiving feast.

Veggie Stock: March 6, 2013

Vichyssoise: June 9, 2010
Love it or hate it (we LOVE it!) – cold potato soup with sour cream & garlic.

Parfait! Vichyssoise: August 26, 2011

Ancho-Chocolate Rub for Beef: July 10, 2011

Buttermilk Marinade for Chicken or Chops: July 26, 2011

Cajun/Blacken/Spicy Seasoning: August 30, 2012
This is rapidly becoming my go-to jar whenever a recipe calls for chili powder or a little sumpin sumpin; and not just because I misplaced one jar and made another large batch before the original turned up. Feel free to play around with the ingredients to suit your tastes and your spice cabinet; that’s part of the joy of making your own blend.

Chili Powder: February 20, 2011
Why buy ANOTHER jar of something when you can very easily (verily?)
make it yourself – and customize it to your own preferences?

Pumpkin Pie Spice Blend: November 19, 2011

Seasoned Salt: March 26, 2012

Taco Seasoning: May 9, 2012

A Spice Rub for?: May 23, 2011
Could be for chicken or turkey (tho’ then you’ll want to make more), or
it could be for grilled sweet potato wedges – I like a rub with possibilities.

Artichokes and Feta Cheese Spread on Pita: June 17, 2013
Serve this as a munchie, or think about topping it with a nice romaine salad, drizzling with a bit of your favorite dressing, and serving as a salad, vegetarian main-course, or even (as it happens) a lovely accompaniment to baked salmon.

Artichoke and Feta Tart: November 26, 2013
Note: this particular version had an added layer of (very nice) muffaletta, so it’s not really vegetarian, but if you follow the amounts listed in the recipe for the feta and the cream, you should be good to go with a well and truly (and vegetarian!) filled tart to set before friends and family.

Artichokes, Grilled, with Sesame Dipping Sauce: May 16, 2011

Artichoke Hearts, Roasted: November 24, 2010
It’s an appetizer, it’s a salad… it’s a veggie! Triple threat!

Asparagus, Chilled Sesame: May 26, 2010

Asparagus, Grilled: June 8, 2011

Asparagus with Hazelnuts: October 13, 2010

Asparagus, Marinated: April 24, 2011

Asparagus, Roasted, Best!: May 2, 2012
My new favorite method, this is great by itself, sliced and added on top of a garden salad, or coupled with crisped prosciutto in one fine specialty salad.
Parfait! Dinner in an Hour: October 12, 2012
Nigella’s Chicken gets paired with asparagus and baby Yukon Gold potatoes for a fine autumn dinner in next to no time.

Asparagus, Roasted, with Parmesan: September 3, 2013
Like Mary Poppins: “practically perfect in every way”.

Asparagus Salad, Roasted, with Prosciutto Crisps: April 17, 2012
A lot easier to toss together than it sounds. And the Best! roasting method I’ve tried.

Baby Corn Manchurian: May 16, 2012
A sweet and spicy Indo-Chinese dish that will keep you coming back for more.

Beans (Lima or Green) in Chili Sauce: May 13, 2013

Bean Salad, Lois’, Best!: September 13, 2012
Forget the others, this combination of five beans with a not too, too sweet dressing is a winner. THX to cousin Lois for sharing.

Three Bean Salad: December 12, 2010
the ‘three’ is silent – I’m jus’ sayin’ – until someone tells me otherwise.

Black Beans: August 19, 2013
These are great just as they are, but keep going to the bottom of the post for a great recipe for black bean burgers.

Black Bean Burgers: August 19, 2013

Black Bean and Espresso Chili: April 13, 2010
Even after telling some folks it was meatless, they insisted it wasn’t.
Parfait! Black Bean and Espresso Chili
: September 30, 2011

Black Bean Salad: September 24, 2010
This is listed under salads, but I think it qualifies as a veggie dish as well –
try it, you won’t be sorry.

Bok Choy, Baby, Grilled: July 25, 2012
A tasty Asian-inspired side dish as good with pot stickers as it is with steak.

Brussels Sprouts, Chili Glazed: July 11, 2010

Brussels Sprouts, Maple Glazed: May 5, 2011

Brussels Sprouts, Roasted: July 25, 2010

Brussels Sprouts, Roasted, with Lemon: October 16, 2012

Carrot Dip: November 12, 2013
Good, yes, and good for you, too, there’s more than one way to get folk to eat their veggies!

Carrot Salad, French: August 28, 2010

Carrot, Grapefruit, and Ginger Salad: September 1, 2011

Carrots Vichy: October 30, 2010
Glazed carrots – with a bit of a French touch.
Parfait! Carrots Vichy: November 11, 2011

Carrots with Parsley and Catalina Dressing: January 6, 2010
You could offer this as a salad or side dish, but it’s a perfect crunchy little
nibble, and not too, too messy as finger food.

Cauliflower and Potatoes, Roasted: November 12, 2011

Cauliflower Sticks: December 12, 2013

Chickpeas, Roasted: April 11, 2011
A good (and good-for-you) munchie, and a nice bit of crunch to toss in a
salad when nuts are not an option.

Corn and Bean Salad: August 9, 2011

Corn on the Cob, Grilled: May 17, 2010

Corn on the Cob, Grilled OR Oven Roasted (!): September 14, 2010
Actually – this is now my favorite way to make corn.
Parfait!: May 13, 2011 – it’s NEVER to soon to have grilled corn!

Corn on the Cob, Grilled or Roasted, Better-For-You: June 27, 2012
I swapped out all of the butter for some good olive oil to accommodate a lactose-intolerant house guest, and am very, very happy with the results. Try it yourself and see.

Corn, Company Creamed: November 28, 2013
A very rich and tasty dish, perfect for a feast day, but simple to toss together in the ‘wave/

Crêpes, Stuffed Manicotti-Style: June 11, 2013
Where to put this recipe? I made this version vegetarian, though the original called for a meat sauce; and in place of pasta tubes, we’re using crêpes, those lovely, thin Frnech pancakes. *sigh* Just resign yourself to finding this, praticular recipe in just about every section of this here table o’ frikkin’ contents. We strive for nothing if not overkill.

Duxelles: February 5, 2011
Sort of a mushroom hash, quite nice, and less ‘shroomy than you’d think.

Eggplant, Hot and Sour: July 19, 2010

Eggplant Napoleons: October 20, 2010
Could be a salad; could be a side dish – either way it’s mightyfine!

Eggplant Parmesan: April 27, 2010

Eggplant, Spicy: August 24, 2010
Forget about the hot and sour – go with THIS tasty Asian inspired option.

Eggplant, Sweet and Sour: September 10, 2012
Serve this as part of an anti pasto platter with some crusty bread, a few good olives, assorted cured bits of pig, and mebbe even some Marinated Stuffed Cherry Peppers.

Enchiladas, Black Bean and Cheese: March 12, 2013
These were good, but I think I prefer the red chile sauce from the cheese & onion enchiladas below.

Enchiladas, Black Bean, Cheese and Onion: August 20, 2013
I borrowed at bit from the cheese and onion recipe below, used veggie stock throughout, and my new favorite way(s) with black beans to make for a fine and filling enchilada fit for a feast.

Enchiladas, Cheese & Onion With Red Chile Sauce: February 14, 2013
Note: this recipe is not technically vegetarian, because I used chicken stock to make the red sauce. Swap out veggie stock for that, tho’, and you are good to go.

Escalloped Cabbage Casserole: September 4, 2010

French Onion Bread Pudding: November 9, 2011

Garlic, Roasted: December 23, 2011
And a salad dressing recipe to boot!

Green Beans, Apple Juice Glazed: March 17, 2011

Green Beans, Asian Spiced: January 14, 2013

Green Beans, Bacon and Onion: July 2, 2012

Green Beans, Bacon, Onion and Garlic: June 19, 2013

Green Beans with Balsamic Vinegar: October 5, 2011
And just a touch of Japanese Seven Spice (Shichimi Togarashi).

Green Beans Caesar: April 30, 2012
Just because a recipe calls for canned veggies doesn’t mean you have to use them!

Green Beans, Crispy: November 3, 2011

Green Beans, Honey-Mustard Glazed: January 27, 2011

Green Beans Mandarin: July 28, 2010
A vintage recipe I’d recommend you try – it was tasty!
Parfait! Green Beans Mandarin: August 24, 2012
I skipped the nuts, added toasted ramen noodles and a zippy little ‘hot’ chili seasoning packet to make a pretty darned decent canned veggie recipe mighty fine! Try it and see if you don’t agree.

Green Beans with Prosciutto and Pine Nuts: May 1, 2010

Green Beans, Sweet and Spicy: June 19, 2010

Green Beans with Toasted Sesame Seeds: January 8, 2011

Green Beans Viennese: November 4, 2010
Another vintage riff on canned veggies – I went back for seconds.

Green Goddess Green Beans: October 18, 2010
A nice – and a bit different – bean salad option.

Green Lentil & Garlic Sausage Cassoulet: October 3, 2012
There’s more than just a bit o’ pork product in this recipe; but I figured if you’re searching for lentils, your searching under veggies…

Haricots Verts With Garlic, Mustard, and Lemon Juice: April 3, 2013
If you haven’t already, you really should search out these slender green beans in your grocer’s freezer section – mine are packed by Birds Eye and about the same price as everyday frozen green beans.

Haricots Verts with Garlic and Shallots: March 29, 2012

Hawaiian ‘Za: November 2, 2011
Mangoes, fresh pineapple, macadamia nuts and home made hoisin sauce – tasty!

Kimchi: September 25, 2010
It’s a salad, it’s a condiment, it’s a munchie – TRY it!

Leek Galette: April 12, 2010

Leek Gratin: October 18, 2012

Lima Beans, Roasted: August 29, 2011

Manchurian, Baby Corn: May 16, 2012
A sweet and spicy Indo-Chinese dish that will keep you coming back for more.

Mushrooms, Grilled: June 5, 2011
Even sliced ‘shrooms are a snap on the Weber with a grill basket!

Mushroom Tart: June 8, 2010

Napa Cabbage Salad: October 3, 2010
A slightly different take on cole slaw.

Onion and Artichoke Galette: October 16, 2010

Onions, French: March 22, 2011

Onion Rings, Beer Battered But Good(ish) For You: February 6, 2012
Instead of deep frying, these tasty little rings o’ goodness are browned in just a bit of oil and then finished in a hot oven. As a bonus – the entire batch is ready at the same time!

Onions, Sausage and Apple Stuffed, Grilled: May 29, 2013

Pear and Spinach ‘Za: October 27, 2011

Pearl Onions in a Balsamic Reduction: June 14, 2010

Pearl Onions, Champagne Braised: September 20, 2012
Spend $10 for a decent cheap (ermmm, inexpensive) bottle of Méthode Champenoise and turn an everyday veggie into a superstar side dish. Rich likes neither pearl onions nor caramelized onions, but he likes these.
Pearl Onions in Champagne (The Thanksgiving Mix): November 19, 2012
Still the same, fine recipe; I just thought it’d be a nice option to creamed onions on a feast day table.

Peas, Green: November 18, 2010
Parfait! Green Peas
: November 4, 2011

Pea Salad: December 3, 2013
Thawed frozen peas, fresh scallion and radishes tossed in a bit of olive oil and white wine vinegar. Nice, but better after I shaved a bit of good cheese into it.

Peppers, Balsamic Roasted: October 14, 2010
Parfait! Peppers, Still Balsamic Roasted
: July 22, 2011
Parfait! Balsamic Roasted Peppers: April 26, 2013

Peppers, Spaghetti Stuffed: November 5, 2011
If you like stuffed peppers, as do I, you’ll enjoy this variation. If you don’t (like Rich), this, unfortunately, will not change your mind.

Pinto Beans: September 3, 2012
You’re only one big pot and about three hours away from spicy/tasty/yummy/just-plain-good pinto beans. Leave in the jalapeño seeds for spicier beans.

Quinoa, with Sautéed Onion, Roasted Tomatoes, and Feta Cheese: October 15, 2013

Romaine, Grilled: July 21, 2011

Rutabaga: November 14, 2012
You really should give this cross between a cabbage and a white turnip a try; just remember the secret to cooking rutabaga…

Spinach, Salad With Citrus Dressing and Then Sautéed: April 9, 2013

Spinach, Sautéed: January 29, 2011

Summer Squash Carpaccio: August 11, 2010
Salad or veggie, you WANT to make this!

Parfait! Summer Squash Carpaccio: July 8, 2011

Triple Pepper Tart with a Gougère Crust: August 16, 2011

Tomatoes, Afternoon Delight: July 5, 2010
Yes, I know that tomatoes are, technically a fruit.
Parfait! Afternoon Delight Tomatoes: July 15, 2011

Tomatoes, Oven Roasted, Best!: April 26, 2012

Tomatoes, Oven Roasted, Besterer!: August 28, 2013
A slow roasted version of the recipe above, mebbe just a touch better, and fantastic in a Caprese salad.

Tomatoes, Oven Roasted: October 4, 2011
Forget the fancy (and pricy) imported canned tomatoes – a bit of advanced planning will give you tasty ‘maters right from your market’s canned goods shelves – and if you still need a fancy name – call ’em pelati al forno.

Veggie Balls, Manchurian: October 24, 2012
A combination of Indian and Chinese cuisines to make little veggie dumplings. Try them with Indian Sweet and Sour Sauce.

Veggie Tart: April 8, 2011
Roasted red peppers, green chiles, black olives, and cheese.

Veggie ‘Za: June 22, 2010
Deep dish (covered, actually – with crust) pizza baked in a spring-form pan.

Veggie ‘Za, Grilled: July 21, 2010
Home made pizza dough topped with assorted veggies and grilled.

Wicked Simple Baked Beans: January 9, 2011

Zucchini Sticks, Oven-Fried: July 2, 2013
It’s true, these are more normally served as a healthy side in place of fries, but set a batch out for cocktails for some fine ranch dressing for dipping, I doubt anyone will complain.

Big Cheeseburger Pizza: March 27, 2011
Parfait! Big Cheesburger ‘Za!: May 31, 2013

Boom Boom BBQ ‘Za!: May 20, 2013
Grilled chicken, slice onion, barbecue sauce and Boom Boom Sauce make for a fine ‘za!

Goat Cheese and Prosciutto ‘Za with Pear and Spinach Salad: November 6, 2012
No, you don’t have the salad with the ‘Za, you have it on top of the ‘Za; and mighty tasty it is, too.

Naan Caprese: July 23, 2013
Fresh basil and tomatoes from teh garden, fresh mozz from your cheese monger, and naan from Target(!) all meet up on the grill for a fine, fast summer ‘za!
Naan Caprese with Pesto: August 14, 2013
A nice change from using just the basil leaves, and who knew that home made naan was so simple to toss together?

Pita With Feta and Artichokes: June 17, 2013
Not really a ‘za! – but close enough, and tasty, too! Serve this as a munchie, or think about topping it with a nice romaine salad, drizzling with a bit of your favorite dressing, and serving as a salad, vegetarian main-course, or even (as it happens) a lovely accompaniment to baked salmon.

Sloppy Joe ‘Za: December 7, 2012
Go all the way and add your freshly sliced bit o’ goodness with pickle and yellow mustard – yum!

Tomato, Basil & ‘Choke ‘Za! With Roasted Garlic: May 21, 2013

Veggie ‘Za: June 22, 2010
Deep dish (covered, actually – with crust) pizza baked in a spring-form pan.

Veggie ‘Za, Grilled: July 21, 2010
Home made pizza dough topped with assorted veggies and grilled.

‘Za Dough: March 26, 2011

‘Za Dough, Best!: March 22, 2012
Almost a year later, I believe I have found the dough that works best for me – try it and see if you don’t agree.
Parfait! Best ‘Za Dough AND Sauce: July 6, 2012
Still good, and do check out the flat bread option!

‘Za! Dough, New! Improved! Best by Far!: October 7, 2013
They say that practice makes perfect – and it has certainly been proven true in this case.